Archive for September, 2008

Water Elemental gets Mage’s Spell Hit
I have posted this question before, if our Water Elemental was going to benefit from the Mage’s Spell Hit. It has now been confirmed by a Blue Post! Along with a big list of Mage questions have been asked by the Mage community, with many of them have been answered by Ghostcrawler. [src]
This might also [...]
A Look Back: Games Within WoW
There has been a lot of buzz lately with the announcement of being able to play Bejeweled in the World of Warcraft. Adding a very addictive puzzle game to an already addicting MMORPG sounds like a plan to destroy human lives.
I am most likely going to be one of many players to download this addon [...]
Frost Mage PvE: Magtheridon
“Magtheridon, the former Lord of Outland, is a pit lord who conquered the ruins of the orcish homeworld following its destruction.
His reign was ended by the arrival of Illidan Stormrage, who took Magtheridon’s throne at the Black Temple for himself.
Deciding that Magtheridon would have a further part to play, Illidan had Magtheridon’s body dragged to [...]
WotLK Beta: Aesthetic Change for Mages
Following up from my previous post about some general aesthetic changes, I will now talk about some specific aesthetic change for Mages. Just to clarify some things, aesthetic changes are changes in a spell or animation which have no major impact in the original spell mechanic. Pretty much means a change in the way it [...]

Week 9/16 - Recap
World of Warcraft:
Why is it that every time I have to take a short break from WoW that all the cool things happen during that time? This time I missed the Harvest Festival, Pirates’ Day, and Brewfest (which is currently still going on).
I am currently a little over 45 hours into Spectral Force 3 for [...]

WotLK Beta: Aesthetic Changes
There are many things that Blizzard has put into the game to make your character different from the rest of the WoW population. Aside from how you made your character look when you first created him or her, WoW in the current form, has included other ways to make your character “stand out” from the [...]

WotLK Beta Testing: Focus Magic
Next up is the 11 Point Arcane Talent: Focus Magic. This talent gives the Mage another raid utility, and gives the raid another reason to bring a Mage. I also updated my posts on Mirror Image, Fingers of Frost, and Blizzard.
When cast, the Focus Magic buff is applied to EVERY raid member, pet, and minions. [...]

AFK: Week at Home
I’ve been home (my parent’s house) pretty much all week, and have been unable to play WoW except for the occasional go over my friends house and play for an hour. So no raids, no battlegrounds, and no arena for me this week. Such bad timing too since the guild has been working on KJ.
Oh [...]
WotLK: Build 8962 - 4 Extra Points for Frost
Yet another new Beta Build is out, Build 8962, with some minor changes for Wrath of the Lich King. Some changes were new Mounts, new Achievements, and new Class changes. Thanks again to for keeping me up to date. They have also updated their Talent Calculator to reflect on the new changes.
So what are [...]

Week 9/9 - Recap
World of Warcraft:
Biggest news is the release date for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion has been set by Blizzard. The release date is November 13th, 2008! Onward to Northrend!
The PTR is open for patch 3.0.2. This patch would be similar to the patch which came out right before the release of the Burning [...]

WotLK Beta Testing: Blizzard
I’ve already talked a bit about how Blizzard was affected by Fingers of Frost in an earlier post, now I will show it to you. I also loaded some mods onto the Beta account, so now I have Recount to record some data while I am testing out some stuff.
As you may know by now, [...]
My World of Warcraft
I started off as a huge fan of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, a real time strategy game made by Blizzard. Then the expansion, The Frozen Throne hit, and I was even more addicted to War3. Sometime during my gaming years on War3, Blizzard had announced World of Warcraft, an MMO for the Warcraft Universe. [...]
WotLK Beta Testing: Mirror Image
Mirror Image has been confirmed to be the new level 80 Mage spell for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. After Blizzard removed Shatter Shield as our level 80 spell, we were without a new spell for quite some time. Mirror Image is the new spell, and it is pretty good.
The images work very [...]

WotLK Beta Testing: Fingers of Frost
Now that I am in the WotLK Beta, I can test out all the new spells and their mechanics for all to see. So far I’ve only got an hour of testing in before fatigue kicked in, and servers are down. I will make a post for each individual spell, and update each post as [...]
Finally a Beta Key!
It is about damn time too! I’ve been drooling over screen shots and updates provided by pretty much every week, and now I can finally experience it for myself. Although pretty much all the new Mage spells as been tested by other players already, but I will still like to see it first hand.
If [...]
Week 9/2 - Recap
World of Warcraft:
Self explanatory. Yay!
Real Life:
Football season started! My beloved Eagles are off to a great start with a big win over the Rams, 38-3. Next up, the Dallas Cowboys on Monday Night Football.
Kil’jaeden: Dragon Orbs
As you may already know, I am currently on Kil’jaeden, who is the final boss in the Sunwell Plateau, and also the last boss in the Burning Crusade Expansion. With the Wrath of the Lich King looming just around the corner, I would like to see him dead before taking a break before the next [...]
WotLK Beta: The Fall of Humanity
As you may already know from MMO-Champion’s Blues Tracker, we’ll be seeing some updates to the Racial Abilities in WotLK. I’ve always thought they should have updated this a long time ago, but hey, better late than never. You can also see the original WotLK Beta forum post here.
One Racial Ability in particular caught my [...]
Soul Eater: Original Soundtrack 1
The long awaited, highly anticipated Soundtrack for Soul Eater has been released. Probably twenty-five percent of my emails and one of the top three search terms for my site is about the Soul Eater OST (mostly Black Star’s track), and it is now finally here.
Track Listing:
soul-eater (so scandalous)
malleus maleficarum
lady of gorgon
BLACK STAR (never lose [...]
WotLK: Build 8905 - Mirror Image
The new WotLK Beta test build is out, Build 8905, along with some interesting new Mage changes. Once again, was quick to lets the world know of the news, and has updated the talent trees to reflect the changes.
Some of the new changes are just rewording of the text of the talents for Improved [...]