Unlocking Characters in Street Fighter 4

I just got my copy of Street Fighter 4 earlier today and ended up playing the game all night. First thing I did was to unlock all the characters in the game. There are a total of nine unlockable characters, and there are a few requirements necessary to unlock them.


How to Unlock All Characters:

The easiest and fastest way to unlock them is to set the difficulty level to “Easiest” and set the number of rounds to “1″. Then meet the requirements for each character.



  • To unlock Sakura, you have to beat Arcade Mode on any difficulty and with any settings, using Ryu.



  • You must have Sakura unlocked.
  • To unlock Dan, you have to beat Arcade Mode on any difficulty and with any settings, using Sakura.



  • To unlock Gen, you have to beat Arcade Mode on any difficulty and with any settings, using Chun Li.


  • To unlock Cammy, you have to beat Arcade Mode on any difficulty and with any settings, using Crimson Viper.



  • To unlock Rose, you have to beat Arcade Mode on any difficulty and with any settings, using M. Bison.


  • To unlock Fei-Long, you have to beat Arcade Mode on any difficulty and with any settings, using Abel.


  • You must have Sakura, Dan, Gen, Cammy, Rose, and Fei-Long unlocked.
  • Beat Arcade Mode on any difficulty and with any settings, using any character.
  • Must have at least 2 Pefect Rounds before defeating Seth.
  • Cannot lose any matches and use a continue.
  • Defeat Akuma.


Here is a quote from Capcom:

1. Complete Arcade Mode playing as Akuma and watch (not necessary to watch everything) an ending.
2. Then, unlock Gouken as an opponent, and defeat him.

Necessary conditions to unlock Gouken as an opponent:

- Play with any characters with which you watched the ending once (so play using a character you have already beaten the game with)
- Do not continue at all.
- Do not lose at all. Not even one round (easier if you only play 1-round matches)
- Achieve certain number (or more) of “Perfect” rounds. The number of Perfect Win you need to achieve are:

If you play on
- 1 round match: 1 time or more
- 3 round match: 2 times or more
- 5 round match: 3 times or more
- 7 round match: 4 times or more

- Achieve certain number (or more) of Super Combo -OR- Ultra Combo Finishes. Super and Ultra finishes both count toward this number. The number of Combo Finishes you need to achieve are:

If you play on

- 1 round match: 3 times or more
- 3 round match: 5 times or more
- 5 round match: 7 times or more
- 7 round match: 9 times or more

- Achieve certain number (or more) of First Attack (this means you must score the first strike in a match—the screen gives you the “First Attack” message, and you can mostly do this without even noticing):

The number of First Attack you need to achieve are:

If you play on
- 1 round match: 5 time or more
- 3 round match: 10 times or more
- 5 round match: 15 times or more
- 7 round match: 20 times or more
- Then Gouken will appear. Kick his butt to unlock him!


  • You must have Gouken unlocked.
  • Beat Arcade Mode on any difficulty and with any settings, with all other characters.

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  • Cpt. Jack Sparrow said:

    This helped out a bunch. This was the first website i picked and it was right on point. Thanks!!!!

  • gr1mey said:

    big help, much thanks.

  • los said:

    good looks my dude… 973

    loss last blog post..ICE T AND COCO

  • duane said:

    First of all, you freaking rock. This has helped immensely!! However, you only really need one perfect to get Akuma; I know cos that’s what I just did and still got him :)

  • frankie said:

    i cant even do do it on easiset!!!!!!

  • frankie said:

    does any1 know why ppl keep joining and saying a new warrior has joined in ?

  • gouken?? said:

    i need help with gouken! i did the the two perfects in a row on a two round match with ken and 3 ultra combo finishes before i beat seth and i never lost with ken. (i beat the arcade with akuma already) and when i did all of that it still brought up akuma at the end of arcade
    wat do i do???

  • Konti said:

    Awesome, thanks for the info.

    To frankie you need to turn off the function that allows xbox live players challenge you when you’re in arcade mode. On the main menu screen press your right bumper and there will be a setting for arcade mode that you need to turn off.

  • iori said:

    yo this aint that easy especially for the charaters that use a lot of the front back fornt thing thats too hard to do when sagat is shooting fire balls at ya….sereouly very easy is too hard with that!

  • Tuna (Author) said:

    @ gouken??

    Hmm I’m not too sure. For me I beat it with Ryu and Gouken showed up instead of Akuma. Give it a try with Ryu and see. Also, for the 3 Ultra Combos, you have to finish the opponent with it in order for it to count. Just throwing it out there in case you didn’t.

  • McG said:

    Hmmm I’m not able to unlock akuma for some reason but in trying to do so was unable to unlock gouken by using sakura….

    actually nevermind it didnt unlock him but i was able to play him and beat him

  • Sir big T said:

    I did everything 2 unlock gouken but they keep making me fight akuma. Why is that???

  • Laziness said:

    Can any1 upload a PAL game save ? am too lazy to unlock them :))

  • McG said:

    strange but I just wasn’t able to get to akuma with ken, but with ryu I can. so if you’re having problems getting to akuma try using ryu and dont go over 2 ultra combo finishes either or you might accidently play gouken and if you dont have akuma unlocked when you play gouken you can’t unlock gouken

  • Edubb said:

    I think you can only do it with certain characters I played 3 times scoring 2 perfects and 3 ultra finishes with Sagat to unlock Gouken….I kept getting Akuma like everyone else on these threads finally I tried it with Ryu and he appeared , now hes unlocked !

  • casa said:

    Can’t do it either. Stuck on Seth. Anyone else with this problem?

  • Sanada said:

    I’m having the same issue with Gouken. I’ve done it twice with Sagat (2 perfects 3 ultimates no losses no continues) and i keep getting Akuma.
    I’m gonna try doing it with Ryu and see if I get Gouken this time after Seth.

  • Sanada said:

    Gouken worked when I did the steps with Ryu

  • Tuna (Author) said:

    McG makes a very good point, if you are still trying to unlock Akuma, don’t go over 2 Ultra Combo finishes. If you do, you will fight Gouken instead, and you would be unable to unlock either and have to start over again.

    It also looks everyone has been unlocking Akuma and Gouken only while playing as Ryu. I know from personal experience that I unlocked Akuma using Ken, but I did unlock Gouken using Ryu, so maybe he is required.

  • Sanada said:

    Unlocking akuma can be done with anyone I think. I don’t remember for sure but i’m fairly certain I used Sagat. Gouken on the other hand only came when I used Ryu.

  • c dot moody said:

    ok so do you have to beat the game with all the characters b4 you can unlock gouken?..because i have tried everything listed..even playing with ken…and still all i get is akuma….is there something im missing?

  • Tuna (Author) said:

    You don’t have to beat the game with all the characters before unlocking Gouken, I know I didn’t. Make sure you have beaten the game with Akuma first however. Seems like everyone is having more luck unlocking Gouken using Ryu, so give that a try.

  • AKUMA said:

    can some1 upload a PS3 PAL gamesave file ? i was just able to unlock the first 4 characters :S

  • Rob N said:

    lol the tips…. I beat the game using Akuma, and was expecting Gouken. Now I know… I’ll try again when I get home.

    Yea… I had a big problem with people jumping in on my games at first… I didn’t expect that to happen as much as it did. I even did a Ultra Combo finish, but I got challenged before it said I won… this happened 5 times before I shut it off…

  • Big chambers said:


  • iRk said:

    i tried unlocking gouken with ryu, i did 3 ultra combos (and i killed the oponent) e i did 3 perfects and i fight against akuma in de end :s.

    the ultra combos need to be in the last round?

  • iRk said:

    and ive beaten the game with akuma, im reading all over the internet that i need to beet the game with all charcatrs first

  • Sir big T said:

    Did u unlock gouken with ryu on da PS3 or the X-box?

  • cRoWe said:

    Thanks for this, you are awesome! I followed the guidelines listed here and was able to unlock all characters with no problems at all. For Akuma and Gouken, I used Ryu because it was easy to get the Perfects and Ultra Combo Finishes. I have the XBox360 version.

  • hadoken1981 said:

    I’ve tried playing through with Ryu(2 perfects and 3 ultimates no loses, no continues) after playing through arcade with akuma but still facing akumaafter seth, any1 ne ideas?

  • c dot moody said:

    ok im gettin a lil irritated ….i have already beat the game with not only akuma..but all the secret characters…i followed the guidlines…and nothin happened..still akuma…i now have played with ryu 3 times…did the 2 perfects…and the 3 ultra finishes. all 3 times…and i still get akuma…is there something else that i need to do?..do i need to get the perfects and ultra finishes in some special order?….i have the 360…is it different somehow?…please ket me know…does it need to be on a certain difficulty setting?..

  • UNKNOWN said:


  • AkumaXoXTenshi said:

    Thanks! Helped out a lot. I earned everyone in one night except for Seth. Working on it right now.

  • sakura said:

    everything here is very useful and thanks for everyones tips :)

    but umm is SAKURA related to RYU or KEN because she is lik both of them

  • sakura said:

    oh and whos been playing this all thier life??

  • cRoWe said:

    This is what I did for Gouken. After unlocking Akuma, I beat the game with Akuma. Then I used Ryu, set the difficulty on easiest, and set it to one round.

    First and Second Match, I got Perfects. Next three Matches I finished each round with an Ultra Combo Finish. Then I played all the way to Seth and defeated him. I did NOT lose any matches. After Seth, Gouken came out, and I beat him, then he was unlocked.

  • Tuna (Author) said:

    Yea I pretty much unlocked Gouken the way cRoWe did it. Perfects the first 2 rounds, and Ultra Combo Finishes the next 3. Also note that the Ultra Combo Finishes uses your Revenge Meter. The Super Combo Finish uses the other meter.

    @ sakura

    Sakura isn’t related to Ken or Ryu. She actually idolizes Ryu and tries to imitate him and his moves.

  • sakura said:

    oh ok but shes pretty good at imitating RYU

    and umm when unlocking akuma do i hav to beat seth with out losing the match or can i lose???

  • jimmy said:

    ive tried to unlock gouken with akuma AND with ryu now and nothing happens? i end up fighting with akuma when i play with ryu and i fight no one when im with akuma? why is this?

    i did 2 perfects and 3 ultra moves in each round just to make sure i did it right anddd i didnt die at one round too and nothing!! …so tired, blister on my thumb starting to hurt too =(

  • Zyber said:

    I just unlocked Gouken with Ryu. I did it the way cRoWe and Tuna did. Looks like you have to finish 3 matches with ultra combo finishes and not just 3 rounds, same might be for the perfects as well but i’m not sure.

  • Flames_N4 said:


    hello people, ive been playing SF4 since the 19th FEB and ive been REALLY p!$$£d off! i couldnt unlock gouken…….TILL NOW! ive just discovered how to do it and now i will share the information with you its taken me 3 days :| LOL

    1st ive unlocked the other characters e.g. sakua, fei long etc. including akuma! ive completed arcade mode with akuma too.

    now this is where i got stuck. i was doing what everyone was telling me to. just get 2 perfects and 3 ultra finishes? this is what ur doing too, but ITS NOT WORKING!

    i was playing it on best of 3 rounds. then id get 2 perfects in the 1st game, then 2nd game id get 2 ultras, then inda 3rd game id get my last ultra. then id fight everyone up 2 seth, whoop his candy ass, then akuma would come out instead of gouken when ive already unlocked akuma…..ANNOYING!

    what i done was change it from best of 3 rounds to best one ONE round at the beginning of playing a new arcade game.

    i dont know if this matters but i picked ryu to do this. just incase it DOES matter, pick ryu and follow these steps.

    now do it in this order….get your 2 perfects in the 1st 2 games e.g. 1st game: ryu vs blanka, ultra finish blanka, then 2nd game: ryu vs chun li, then ultra finish her.

    then get the 3 ultras in the next 3 games. beat everyone till u get up to seth, kick him around the place and win, remember u cant lose or use any continues! THEN the secret game will be unlocked, you will see its the same arena where u fought akuma, but instead of seeing akuma’a red eyes as he flies towards u in the cut scene, it will be gouken!!! once u beat him he’s unlocked!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    do EXACTLY what i said and u will realise im officially the man! enjoy the game people! i know i am ;) HADOUKEN! LOL!

  • jimmy said:

    just unlocked gouken! finalllllyyy!!! the one round thing worked! fought with ryu, two perfect followed up by 3 ultras. thanks for the help

    now time to unlock seth =)

  • JunPuppy said:

    You dont have to play as Ryu to unlock Gouken, I unlocked him using Akuma.

  • Flames_N4 said:


    hello people, ive been playing SF4 since the 19th FEB and ive been REALLY p!$$£d off! i couldnt unlock gouken…….TILL NOW! ive just discovered how to do it and now i will share the information with you its taken me 3 days :| LOL

    1st ive unlocked the other characters e.g. sakua, fei long etc. including akuma! ive completed arcade mode with akuma too.

    now this is where i got stuck. i was doing what everyone was telling me to. just get 2 perfects and 3 ultra finishes? this is what ur doing too, but ITS NOT WORKING!

    i was playing it on best of 3 rounds. then id get 2 perfects in the 1st game, then 2nd game id get 2 ultras, then inda 3rd game id get my last ultra. then id fight everyone up 2 seth, whoop his candy ass, then akuma would come out instead of gouken when ive already unlocked akuma…..ANNOYING!

    what i done was change it from best of 3 rounds to best of ONE round at the beginning of playing a new arcade game.

    i dont know if this matters but i picked ryu to do this. just incase it DOES matter, pick ryu and follow these steps.

    now do it in this order….get your 2 perfects in the 1st 2 games e.g. 1st game: ryu vs blanka, perfect blanka, then 2nd game: ryu vs chun li, then perfect her.

    then get the 3 ultras in the next 3 games. beat everyone till u get up to seth, kick him around the place and win, remember u cant lose or use any continues! THEN the secret game will be unlocked, you will see its the same arena where u fought akuma, but instead of seeing akuma’a red eyes as he flies towards u in the cut scene, it will be gouken!!! once u beat him he’s unlocked!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    do EXACTLY what i just said and u will realise im officially the man! enjoy the game people! i know i am ;) HADOUKEN! LOL!

    (typos in the other one i typed ^^^ oops lol)

  • fax21 said:

    do u need 2 do ultra combo finishes to unlock akuma, because i did what you told me to with e.honda and it didnt work. any help? Thanks

  • Mr.Phokie said:

    Just thought i’d put in how i got the guys.

    First i beat it with all characters

    then used E.Honda cause his ultra almost never misses and his soaring headbutt thing makes getting perfects simple.
    For me i set settings to easiest and 1 round
    I had 5 perfects and did only 2 ultra finishes (prior to seth) then akuma showed up and i beat him, and got him.
    then i beat it with akuma (i got a continue in this run through)
    next time through i stuck with E.Honda did 3 ultra finishes and had like 5-6 perfects (prior to seth) then gouken showed up and i beat him and got him.

    Pretty sure being ryu has no effect, and beating with all characters is a circumstance you must fulfill, b/c my first run through with E.Honda (while beating it with all characters) i had 4 perfects and 2 ultras w/ no continues and i didnt face akuma. It may be beating it with all original characters however.

  • okboss said:

    for seth i just set a lower time limit and just not let him hurt me more than i hurt him by times end.

  • Matt said:

    I kept trying to get gouken by using akuma and never got him than i tried ken and kept getting to akuma, after using ryu i got him. I used ryu with one round matches and got 3 ultra combo finishes with god only knows how many perfects.

  • Tuna (Author) said:

    For those of you who had to beat it with all other characters and use Ryu to unlock Gouken, are you playing the PS3 version? Maybe there is a different way to do things between the two systems.

  • Unknown said:

    it helped a lot

  • sakura said:

    is that how u really get gouken or…?
    need help gettin him unlocked

  • sakura said:

    umm dont worry about that last message of mine i just unlocked gouken

    and unlocking seth do u really hav to complete arcade mode with everyone??

  • Tyler said:

    Can someone tell me how to do Ultra Combo Finishers?

  • Mikey Mike said:

    Tried getting Gouken with Akuma but couldn’t get it to work. Then treid With Ryu and it happened. Now for Seth… *sigh*

  • Treniac said:

    Also everyone remember… Hook up another controller and enter a new challenger as second player if you are about to lose to seth or akuma or anyone… You can do this and still get the unlock….

  • HADOOUUKEN! said:

    Treniac, are you absolutely positively sure that you can just hook up another controller during arcade mode and still get unlockable characters? This would be very helpful for unlocking Seth because I’ve unlocked everyone and beat arcade mode with all characters EXCEPT El Fucking Fuente! I’ve tried countless times beating Seth and even on the easiest difficulty he just spams the same gay moves like the “teleport right behind you and then use zangief’s spinny head smasher into the ground thing” and the “flashing yellow kick that somehow hits you a bajillion times even though he kicks you twice move” and needless to say i am extremely frustrated!! lol

    If what you said works, you get a cookie and my undying gratitude!

  • glow said:

    I found that for Gouken it didn’t work until I turned the time to 99 seconds instead of infinity. Hopefully this helps someone.

  • Erica said:

    Hey. I’m having a slight problem when it comes to unlock Seth. Can anybody tell me how to do? I’ve tried to beat the game with all the characters but it’s still not working. Thanks.

  • Treniac said:

    Yeah it works. Used it to unlock Akuma…

  • Maclimes said:

    I have all characters unlocked except Akuma, Gouken, and Seth (in other words, Sakura, Dan, Gen, Cammy, Rose, and Fei-Long). I have the settings set to “Easy, 1 round, 99 seconds”. I never lost, and got 3 perfects before meeting Seth. I beat Seth, no problems, but did not fight Akuma.

    Why not?

  • rayne said:

    I did everything it said to get Gouken, but i keep getting Akuma at the end

    maybe i understand wrong: do you have to finish a ROUND with a perfect/ultracombofinish? Or finish the MATCH with that to make it count?


  • SZ said:

    can u unlock gouken useing ryu cuase i did it with ryu and i got 2 perfects and 3 ultra combo finishes and i fought akuma?

  • DEATH_JAMBO said:


  • nUnb said:

    I used Bison and completed all the condition for unlock Gouken… but there’s still with Akuma after Seth
    But when my brother used Akuma, there is Gouken!!!!
    So here is my conclusion: since there will not be two Akuma in the same stage in the Arcade Mode
    The best choice to unlock Gauken is Akuma (This is also fit with ending of Akuma)
    BTW, my brother only had two Ultra Combo finished…. so I guess only two perfect is the condition need to be complete….
    If my brother unlock successfully then I’ll post it here:)

  • aa said:

    i juz unlock akuma and gouken

    akuma - had only one perfect (played with sagat)

    gouken - 2 perfects and 4 ultras( played with akuma)…but u need to finish akuma’s arcade be4 goin in 2nd round

  • koolmahn said:

    thanks for all your help, after only a few hours, i now have seth! i guess i got lucky, and somehow avoided the frustration most are having. btw, i used ryu to get akuma. ken didn’t work.

  • mangiaman said:

    I just want to say i love the game. But whats the deal with the opening soundtrack. It’s so gay, they should of use the music from the commercial.As a matter of fact they should of used the commercial for the opening when you turn the game on.And Akuma’s ultra is terrible, it’s like they were too lazy to make a real one. oh and Rufus should be eliminated from the lineup.worst character ever!!! oh and why does chun li have zangief’s.MAN LEGS!!!!!!!

  • kev said:

    Can someone please help me, how to do a ultra combo

  • cRoWe said:


    Each character have a different Ultra move. Press ’start’ and go to the command list to find out how to do the Ultra for the character you want.

  • Tuna (Author) said:

    From Capcom on how to unlock Gouken:

    1. Complete Arcade Mode playing as Akuma and watch (not necessary to watch everything) an ending.
    2. Then, unlock Gouken as an opponent, and defeat him.

    Necessary conditions to unlock Gouken as an opponent:

    - Play with any characters with which you watched the ending once (so play using a character you have already beaten the game with)
    - Do not continue at all.
    - Do not lose at all. Not even one round (easier if you only play 1-round matches)
    - Achieve certain number (or more) of “Perfect” rounds. The number of Perfect Win you need to achieve are:

    If you play on
    - 1 round match: 1 time or more
    - 3 round match: 2 times or more
    - 5 round match: 3 times or more
    - 7 round match: 4 times or more

    - Achieve certain number (or more) of Super Combo -OR- Ultra Combo Finishes. Super and Ultra finishes both count toward this number. The number of Combo Finishes you need to achieve are:

    If you play on

    - 1 round match: 3 times or more
    - 3 round match: 5 times or more
    - 5 round match: 7 times or more
    - 7 round match: 9 times or more

    - Achieve certain number (or more) of First Attack (this means you must score the first strike in a match—the screen gives you the “First Attack” message, and you can mostly do this without even noticing):

    The number of First Attack you need to achieve are:

    If you play on
    - 1 round match: 5 time or more
    - 3 round match: 10 times or more
    - 5 round match: 15 times or more
    - 7 round match: 20 times or more
    - Then Gouken will appear. Kick his butt to unlock him!

  • sdizzle said:

    Thanks this helped out a bunch.

  • AnDy said:

    hey hey all, i’m having abit trouble getting Gouken i’m using Gen to get him as it says you can use who you like, i’ve done what the list says quite afew times, i’m not saying that its wrong i just don’t get it lol, so i tried getting as many perfects and Ultra’s which i done about 8 perfects and about 5/6 Ultra’s and it still keeps giving me Akuma to fight, i’ve done arcade mode with all char’s obv apart from Gouken and Seth, so if anyone could try and help me out abit it would be great lol :) thanks

  • AnDy said:

    infact its ok i’ve done it now :) all i done was 1 perfect, 3 Supers or Ultra’s and then 5 First Attacks and there he was :)

  • TheTofuShop said:

    Blah, have gotten 3 perfects and 3 ultra finishes THREE times with cammy and still no go on akuma or Gouken! GRRRRR

  • Link002 said:

    I have tried absolutely everything to unlock Akuma. Ive done 1 and 2 perfects and 1 and 2 ultra finishes like 8 times with three different characters that i had already beaten the game with. Every single time i never use a continue and i face Akuma at the end after seth and every single time i beat him i never f*cking unlock him. What the hell am i doing wrong? does anyone know? and yes im playing on easiest, 1 round, 30 seconds

  • Hu1k24 said:

    Tuna the sentence below is incorrect

    - Achieve certain number (or more) of Super Combo -OR- Ultra Combo Finishes. Super and Ultra finishes both count toward this number. The number of perfect win you need to achieve are:

    Because you are taking about Super/Ultra finishes and then mention perfects in the same sentence, just thought I will highlight it.

  • Tuna (Author) said:

    @ TheTofuShop

    Have you unlocked all the other characters yet? Also make sure you don’t lose ANY rounds.

    @ Link002

    I think someone said that they changed the timer to 99 and it worked for them, give that a try.

    @ Hu1k24

    Good catch. That was a direct quote from a Capcom blog so I didn’t think there would be any mistakes. I changed it so it says “combo finishes”. Thanks.

  • emofarmer said:

    For gouken??? or any1 else who wants to unlock gouken

    really, this is just according to my thoughts. All the conditions listed in this site are true. But I think a lot of ppl overlook the fact that you must have at least 5 first attacks in order to unlock him.

    And also need to perform at least 3 ultra finishes

  • ghostfontys said:

    Hi All,

    I followed the steps posted here and successfully make it without any difficulties to unlock Gouken, I used Ryu and I did only 1 perfect match. The next 3 matches I finished all of them with Ultra Combo, but also I have 5 times first attack counted when playing up to Seth, beat him and then get Gouken. No problem at all, my time set is One round and No limit on time (Alpha). Remember to complete Arcade mode with Akuma first.
    That’s it, nothing more, it works for me.
    Now will working on unlock Seth.

    Thanks TUNA for a clear guidance!

  • Proxy said:

    Thanks for this, just bought this game.

    After all these years, the legend that is Street Fighter has returned. I creamed my pantssssss

  • xvelocity said:

    Worked like magic, thanks Tuna.

    Guys I got Gouken after first finishing with Akuma then played Akuma again and got him at the end.


  • jubei said:

    Is there an easy way to do super and ultra combo? I’m able to do EX easily but I can’t land super or ultra consistently. Please help with advice.

  • Proxy said:

    jubei, are you using the LB & LT buttons?

    If you can pull off the Super moves, then the Ultra is usually the same movement then you just push the LB or LT button instead of a normal kick or punch.

  • street king said:

    k man il break it down for u guys that dont understand…..play it first with akuma and finsh the game… and on 1round match….make sure u get 1 pefect round, and 3 finishes with super moves, and u also gotta make sure u get the first strike 5 times, then u will b able to get gouken… u can do this with ne character after u have first finshed it with akuma

  • said:

    I did everything the guide said about unlocking gouken, i versed gouken at the end, i beat him, yet, he didnt unlock, is that meant to be like that? or do i need to beat him more than once or something

  • anthony pittarelli said:

    ahhh! i was just upping the difficulty over and over!

  • cheese said:

    honestly just do exactly what it says n it will will I unlocked everyone n it was pretty simple it just took time

  • shoryukendude said:

    To all having issues with Gouken, remember you must beat the game with akuma first, and also you must use a character that you have already beat arcade mode with as well. So it does not matter who you use, just as long as that character has already finished arcade mode once already and you score at least 2 perfects and 3 ultra finishers, which ryu’s happens to be one of the easiest in the game. As far betting them that is easy, just switch the difficulty down to easiest no penalty for taking the easy route. Cheers!