Tag archive for ‘Strategy’

Frost Mage PvE: Lady Deathwhisper
“The lich Lady Deathwhisper is the Supreme Overseer of the Cult of the Damned and the second boss of the Icecrown Citadel raid.” – WoWWiki.com If you were a Sunwell Plateau raider back in the Burning Crusade, you will find this boss encounter very similar to the M’uru fight. Also much like the M’uru fight, [...]

Frost Mage PvE: Lord Marrowgar
“Lord Marrogar is a unique creature created of skeletons. He is the first boss in the Icecrown Citadel.” He has one of the coolest boss character models- he is a 4-headed winged skeleton torso, with a big ice ax! As the first boss of Icecrown Citadel, he’ll serve as a gear check for Guilds to [...]
Frost Mage PvE: Kologarn
Kologarn is considered sixth boss encounter in Ulduar, after you have defeated XT-002 Deconstructor, and gain access to the Antichamber. He is the only non-optional boss in the Antichamber because he guards the Shattered Walkway into central Ulduar where not only is he protecting the bridge, he is the bridge. He is a huge Titan [...]

Frost Mage PvE: XT-002 Deconstructor
XT-002 Deconstructor is considered the fourth boss encounter in Ulduar. He is the giant robot blocking the way into The Antechamber of Ulduar. Other than The Flame Leviathan, he is the only other mandatory boss required to gain access to the next area of Ulduar. The XT-002 fight is also considered by many to be [...]
Frost Mage PvE: Ignis the Furnace Master
“Ignis the Furnace Master is the second boss encounter in Ulduar and can be found in the Colossal Forge.” – WoWWiki.com Although he is considered the second boss by many players, attempts can be made on Ignis anytime after The Flame Leviathan has been defeated. Both Normal and Heroic modes strategies are the same, with [...]

Frost Mage PvE: Razorscale
“Razorscale is the third boss encounter in Ulduar. It is an Ironbound proto-drake that flies over the Razorscale’s Aerie, across from the Colossal Forge.” – WoWWiki.com Although she is considered the third boss by many players, attempts can be made on Razorscale anytime after The Flame Leviathan has been defeated. Both Normal and Heroic modes [...]

Frost Mage PvE: Anomalus
“Anomalus is a giant Arcane Voidwraith boss in The Nexus. Voidwraiths are a slender type of voidwalker. Voidwraiths seem to be more rare than other voidwalkers and rarely talk.” – WoWWiki.com Boss Stats: Hit Points – 192,200 Mana – 50,000 Abilities: Spark: Deals 2025 to 2475 Arcane damage. Create Rift: Opens a Chaotic Rift near [...]

Frost Mage PvE: Grand Magus Telestra
Grand Magus Telestra is a high elf, who is one of the Mages of the Kirin Tor who has sided with Malygos, in order to retain her arcane powers. She is one of the bosses of The Nexus, and could be the first you meet depending on which route your party decides to take. “The [...]

Frost Mage PvE: Prince Keleseth
“Prince Keleseth, of the San’layn, is the Scourge overlord of Howling Fjord and the ambassador to the Vrykul. Prince Keleseth is also the first boss of Utgarde Keep. Utgarde Keep is the first dungeon hub located on the shores of Lake Cauldros in the Howling Fjord of Northrend. Inhabited by the Vrykul (led by King [...]

Frost Mage PvE: Brutallus
Brutallus is a pit lord and the second boss of the Sunwell Plateau raid. He is a hard hitting melee oriented boss with blades for hands. You might have spotted him while doing one of the bombing daily quests on the Isle. If Kalecgos served as the “Skill Check” for the Sunwell Plateau, then Brutallus [...]
Frost Mage PvE: High King Maulgar
“High King Maulgar is the lord of the ogres of the Blade’s Edge Mountains of Outland, ruling from within Gruul’s Lair. His council consists of Kiggler the Crazed, Blindeye the Seer, Olm the Summoner and Krosh Firehand.” – wowwiki.com “The Bladespire clan was once among the weakest ogre clans, lacking the numbers of the Bloodmaul [...]

Frost Mage PvE: Al’ar
“Al’ar the Phoenix God, is the first seen boss of the Eye in Tempest Keep. It is Kael’thas Sunstrider’s phoenix and pet. This boss is more often than not skipped at first and attempted after Void Reaver because of Void Reaver’s lesser difficulty.” – wowwiki.com The phoenix is the most powerful spell a Blood Mage [...]

Frost Mage PvE: Supremus
“Supremus is an abyssal, and the second boss you will encounter in the Black Temple. Abyssals are demonic constructs similar to infernals, but made from rougher, more jagged material and burn with a red or blue flame instead of a green one.” – wowwiki.com If you can beat Naj’entus and clear your way to Supremus, then [...]

Frost Mage PvE: Kalecgos
“Kalecgos is the first boss in the Sunwell Plateau raid, as well as an NPC in Magisters’ Terrace. Players have to free him from his enslavement by Kil’jaeden the Deceiver. It would appear that while residing on the Isle of Quel’Danas, Kalec was possessed by Sathrovarr the Corruptor, a Dreadlord in service to Kil’jaeden. This [...]

Frost Mage PvE: Moroes
Moroes, the Tower Steward, is an undead rogue boss found in Karazhan. He seems to have retained much of his personality during life. Moroes is accompanied by four level 70 elite undead mobs; these four mobs are picked randomly from a list of six possibles mobs. Along with four special invited patrons, Moroes fights any [...]

Frost Mage PvE: Attumen the Huntsman
Attumen the Huntsman is the proud owner of Midnight, the strongest horse in the stables. If his horse is put in danger, he will rush to defend and destroy the attackers. As the first and easiest boss in Karazhan, he is considered a gear check for any adventurers who wish to delve deeper into Karazhan. [...]

Frost Mage PvE: Hydross the Unstable
Hydross the Unstable is technically the first boss in the Serpentshrine Caverns (SSC). He seems to have lost his sanity as a result of being held prisoner by Lady Vashj. He is kept in check by the two beams in his prison. If he leaves them, he becomes poisoned, causing him great pain. Although being [...]

Frost Mage PvE: High Warlord Naj’entus
High Warlord Naj’entus is the first boss in the Black Temple. He is the Naga Lord, male naga warriors with shells and other sea creatures fused to their bodies. They have no visible eyes and a large hermit crab for a hand. Naj’entus’s main attacks does Physical Damage and he also does AoE Frost Damage. He [...]

Frost Mage PvE: Rage Winterchill
Rage Winterchill is the first boss you encounter in the Battle for Mount Hyjal. Rage is a powerful Lich, and uses Frost Magic along with his own Necromantic Spells. Rage has a very high resistance to Frost Spells, so Fire Mages have an advantage over Frost Mages here, but a respec is not needed. Rage [...]
Felmyst: DDR Fever
w00t! We killed Felmyst Sunday night after about two hours of wiping and re-learning the fight. We brought along a new Shadow Priest, so it took some time for her to learn the fight, but once she got the strategy down, then down went Felmyst. We now had four total Priests for the Felmyst attempts mainly [...]