Archive for 2009

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Season 2
Yay the 2nd season of one of my favorite Anime Series is now being aired! Also like the first season, the episodes will air in a different order then intended. At first I thought it was kind of weird how they did this, but when you rewatch the series again in the correct order, you [...]
Frost Mage PvE: Kologarn
Kologarn is considered sixth boss encounter in Ulduar, after you have defeated XT-002 Deconstructor, and gain access to the Antichamber. He is the only non-optional boss in the Antichamber because he guards the Shattered Walkway into central Ulduar where not only is he protecting the bridge, he is the bridge.
He is a huge Titan boss, [...]
Getting a Head Start in Wintergrasp
Here is a small trick to give you a head start in the battle for Wintergrasp. Not only can you just get one of the dailies out of the way, you can also be one of the first players to pilot a ground vehicle in battle.
All you have to do is to fly into the [...]
What NOT to do During the Iron Council
A while back, I posted on what you’re not supposed to do during the Sunwell Plateau raids. Now there is another cause for concern, that needs to be address. This tip isn’t just limited to the Iron Council, but can extended to the entirety of Ulduar.
Ulduar has been out for a couple of weeks now, [...]
Ever Been Compelled to Buy Something After Watching a Series?
A couple of weeks ago, I bought a new external hard drive because I was running low space from downloading- acquiring Anime off of the interwebs. Anyways, I figured I would just have an external hard drive dedicated to just Anime, movies, and shows that I watch. Plus I can just hook up the hard [...]
Argent Tournament: How to Cheat at Jousting
Since I’ve been in the mood to do dailies lately, the Argent Tournament area is where I visit most frequent now. I even have my hearth stone set there (also a short flight to Ulduar from there). The dailies there are fairly simple, and pretty fun in my opinion. Jousting is one of my favorite [...]
Mothers of Warcraft
This post was intended to be posted on Mother’s Day, but I didn’t have enough time to do some research on a few character, and I was out of town to visit my own mother. Anyways, here is a look at a few Mothers in the World of Warcraft, the good- as well as the [...]

A Few Things That Annoy Me
There are a few things that have been bothering me lately. I’ve been doing dailies again like a big boy- mainly because I want those Argent Tournament pets and mounts. The extra gold is a bonus. I’ve also been doing the Oracles quest since I already have the Frenzyheart Brew, now I can concentrate on [...]
Why I Hate Children’s Week
Normally I look forward to this in-game event. Every year for Children’s Week usually meant a new pet I can get. Before this year’s event, I already had all three of the Vanilla WoW Children’s Week pets, and two of the three Burning Crusade ones.
This year I even got the third and last pet, and [...]

Fun with the Headless Horseman Mount
Even though I have accumulated a lot of cool mounts, I still find myself using mainly one mount: The Headless Horseman Mount. It was the mount I won last year during the Halloween Event.
One main reason I use only this mount is that because it functions as ground mount as well as a flying mount. [...]
Frost Vrykul Form
So I finally started the quest line to open up the Sons of Hodir quest hub the other night. Is anyone else mesmerized by the “digital booty” of your character when you are in Frost Vrykul form? Or am I the only one? Whenever she’s running in this form, her butt waddles back and forth- [...]

Frost Mage PvE: XT-002 Deconstructor
XT-002 Deconstructor is considered the fourth boss encounter in Ulduar. He is the giant robot blocking the way into The Antechamber of Ulduar. Other than The Flame Leviathan, he is the only other mandatory boss required to gain access to the next area of Ulduar.
The XT-002 fight is also considered by many to be the [...]

Hobbes Has Been Tamed
BRK may have stepped down from his hunter blog to let his brain run free, but his faithful pet Hobbes has other plans. He will still continue his adventures in Azeroth, not as a faithful pet, but now as faithful steed.
I’ve been revered with the Wintersaber Trainers since before Wrath hit, but could never keep [...]
Utada the Noble
During the weekend, the Noblegarden event started on Azeroth, and players all over the world have been spending hours just camping one spot.
Usually I enjoy the in-game world events, but camping egg spawn points for hours for the achievements were downright boring. Why would anyone go through this? For the “What a Long, Strange Trip [...]
Frost Mage PvE: Ignis the Furnace Master
“Ignis the Furnace Master is the second boss encounter in Ulduar and can be found in the Colossal Forge.” –
Although he is considered the second boss by many players, attempts can be made on Ignis anytime after The Flame Leviathan has been defeated. Both Normal and Heroic modes strategies are the same, with the [...]
Ulduar: Frogger 2.0
I’m sure most of you have experienced Frogger 1.0 in Naxxramas, going from Patchwerk towards Grobbulus. There are three rows of slimes which moves from left to right, and you have to navigate your character across without touching the slimes. Touching them will result in an instant death, with a side of laughter and ridicule [...]

Frost Mage PvE: Razorscale
“Razorscale is the third boss encounter in Ulduar. It is an Ironbound proto-drake that flies over the Razorscale’s Aerie, across from the Colossal Forge.” –
Although she is considered the third boss by many players, attempts can be made on Razorscale anytime after The Flame Leviathan has been defeated. Both Normal and Heroic modes strategies [...]

Giant Wolf Mage!?
The new patch came with a new transformation! You can now turn into a giant wolf, anywhere! Time for me to finally turn in my quest in Howling Fjord and get rid of my [Worg Disguise].
For this you will need the help of an Inscriptionist. The recipe they need is the [Technique: Rituals of the [...]
My Dual Specs
Patch 3.1.0 is finally here and we now have our Dual Specs. All the Hybrid classes are all excited to be able to swap between Tank/Healer/DPS specs with ease. Just because we can only DPS, doesn’t mean Dual Spec isn’t worth it for us. Now we can bring two different PvE specs to a raid, [...]