Tag archive for ‘Water Elemental’

PTR Patch 3.3 Testing: Glyph of Eternal Water
One of the biggest change for all Frost Mages from the upcoming Patch 3.3, is the addition of a Glyph which will make our Water Elemental become a permanent pet. That is the Glyph of Eternal Water.
Art by: John Avon
I’ve been very interested in this Glyph ever since it was announced, but never got a [...]
PTR Patch 3.1.0 – Frost Mage Replenishment
Instead of sleeping like I said I was going to do, I logged into my WoW account and copied my Mage over to the Public Test Realm (both PvP and PvE servers). Then opened up my PTR Client, logged in, and it started the download for the next PTR build. Weighing in at 733mb, it [...]
Water Elemental Receiving Mage’s Spell Hit?
There has been a Blue Post on the WoW WotLK Beta Forums which states:
“We plan to give all pets the master’s +hit%.” [source]
Now this was posted in the Warlock’s Forum, so we aren’t too sure if this was aim specifically towards Warlocks, or to all classes with a pet. If so, not only is this [...]

Frost Mage: Water Elemental Guide
“Squirtle! I Choose You!”
Here is a guide to everything you will need to know about your Water Elemental. I will break down the Water Elemental’s spells, attributes, and the impact the pet will make in PvE and PvP. If you have anything you would like to add to this little guide, please let me know and I [...]