Tag archive for ‘Underbelly Elixir’

I See Mages Everywhere
Last time I wrote about how the [Underbelly Elixir] had the power to turn you into a Tuskarr Mage. This time I’ll talk about one of the other effects you can get. It has the ability to turn everyone you see into a Mage! Now you see why they call Dalaran, “The City of Mages”.
By [...]
Tuskarr Mage!?
While we’re on the topic of different Mage races, here is one of my favorite transformations so far. The Tuskarr transformation!
“The Tuskarr are humanoid walrus people who live in Northrend. Although seen throughout Northrend, they make their homes primarily in the Borean Tundra. The Tuskarr culture is centered around fishing and whaling such that a [...]