Tag archive for ‘Madrigosa’
Video: Madrigosa vs Brutallus
Here is the video that some of you have been waiting for. It is the fight between Madrigosa and Brutallus in the Sunwell Plateau after you have freed Kalecgos from being controlled by Sathrovarr the Corruptor.
Download a clearer version HERE. It is about 25mb.
Watch as she battles to obtain information on the whereabouts of Aveena, [...]
Warcraft Lore: Anveena and Kalecgos
While looking up boss strategies during the past week, I came across a lot of interesting Lore in the Warcraft world. It makes any encounters you face in the game ten times more rewarding when you witness the event, and actually KNOW what is going on. For me at least, it makes the game worth every [...]
Kalecgos: Decursing Extravaganza
Tuesday was my first time in a fresh Sunwell Plateau and it was quite the experience. It was like a mixture of Zul’Aman and Black Temple. The trashmobs are similar to Black Temple when clearing to Illidari Council and the scouts that to alert other guards on the way to the Dragonhawk boss.
Instead of a giant robot [...]