Tag archive for ‘Ulduar’
Frost Mage PvE: Kologarn
Kologarn is considered sixth boss encounter in Ulduar, after you have defeated XT-002 Deconstructor, and gain access to the Antichamber. He is the only non-optional boss in the Antichamber because he guards the Shattered Walkway into central Ulduar where not only is he protecting the bridge, he is the bridge.
He is a huge Titan boss, [...]

Frost Mage PvE: XT-002 Deconstructor
XT-002 Deconstructor is considered the fourth boss encounter in Ulduar. He is the giant robot blocking the way into The Antechamber of Ulduar. Other than The Flame Leviathan, he is the only other mandatory boss required to gain access to the next area of Ulduar.
The XT-002 fight is also considered by many to be the [...]
Frost Mage PvE: Ignis the Furnace Master
“Ignis the Furnace Master is the second boss encounter in Ulduar and can be found in the Colossal Forge.” – WoWWiki.com
Although he is considered the second boss by many players, attempts can be made on Ignis anytime after The Flame Leviathan has been defeated. Both Normal and Heroic modes strategies are the same, with the [...]
Ulduar: Frogger 2.0
I’m sure most of you have experienced Frogger 1.0 in Naxxramas, going from Patchwerk towards Grobbulus. There are three rows of slimes which moves from left to right, and you have to navigate your character across without touching the slimes. Touching them will result in an instant death, with a side of laughter and ridicule [...]

Frost Mage PvE: Razorscale
“Razorscale is the third boss encounter in Ulduar. It is an Ironbound proto-drake that flies over the Razorscale’s Aerie, across from the Colossal Forge.” – WoWWiki.com
Although she is considered the third boss by many players, attempts can be made on Razorscale anytime after The Flame Leviathan has been defeated. Both Normal and Heroic modes strategies [...]

PTR Patch 3.1.0 – Random Screenshots
Here are a few screenshots taken from the Public Test Realm for the upcoming Patch 3.1.0. Some of them are just to show some of the new stuff coming out, and some are of how nice the inside of the new raid instance, Ulduar, looks.
New Look for Tier 7.5 Shoulders
There is a new metallic look [...]
PTR Patch 3.1.0 – The Flame Leviathan
I had a chance to test out one of the new Ulduar bosses on the Public Test Realm the other night. It was a full guild run, and the boss we were after was The Flame Leviathan. We were attempting the 10 man version of the fight, and the encounter was… interesting. You won’t be [...]