Tag archive for ‘Raid’

Frost Mage PvE: Lord Marrowgar
“Lord Marrogar is a unique creature created of skeletons. He is the first boss in the Icecrown Citadel.”
He has one of the coolest boss character models- he is a 4-headed winged skeleton torso, with a big ice ax! As the first boss of Icecrown Citadel, he’ll serve as a gear check for Guilds to see [...]
Frost Mage PvE: Kologarn
Kologarn is considered sixth boss encounter in Ulduar, after you have defeated XT-002 Deconstructor, and gain access to the Antichamber. He is the only non-optional boss in the Antichamber because he guards the Shattered Walkway into central Ulduar where not only is he protecting the bridge, he is the bridge.
He is a huge Titan boss, [...]
What NOT to do During the Iron Council
A while back, I posted on what you’re not supposed to do during the Sunwell Plateau raids. Now there is another cause for concern, that needs to be address. This tip isn’t just limited to the Iron Council, but can extended to the entirety of Ulduar.
Ulduar has been out for a couple of weeks now, [...]
New Upgrade: The Turning Tide
I haven’t done one of these posts in awhile since there wasn’t any gear worth mentioning, but this one deserves one. The current best in slot weapon for Mages (and a few other casters) is in my possession. Plus it looks pretty damn cool too!
[The Turning Tide] drops off of Kel’Thuzad, the final boss in [...]
New Upgrade: Cowl of the Illidari High Lord
Shredder of the Foot Clan
I was the last caster in the raid to finally grab the [Cowl of the Illidari High Lord], so when it dropped, I was the only person who needed it. So I was able to get the helm for the minimal amount of DKP.
Not a huge upgrade over the T6 Helm, [...]
Eredar Twins: 1st Twin Dead
We managed to take down the first of the Eredar Twins tonight. Grand Warlock Alythess was the first of the twin to die, leaving Lady Sacrolash left to kill. She wasn’t as happy as we were though when her sister bit the dust. Lady Sacrolash then gained the abilities of her fallen sister and proceeded to destroy [...]
Felmyst: DDR Fever
w00t! We killed Felmyst Sunday night after about two hours of wiping and re-learning the fight. We brought along a new Shadow Priest, so it took some time for her to learn the fight, but once she got the strategy down, then down went Felmyst.
We now had four total Priests for the Felmyst attempts mainly for [...]
Felmyst: 25% and Playoff Hockey
The raid night started off on the wrong foot. It was a late start because some of our raiders were delayed and couldn’t make it on time and one of our Shadow Priest was going to be an hour or more late. Looks like it was going to be a looong night.
Oh yea… the Philadelphia Flyers‘ [...]
AC Downs Solarian
Aetherial Circle shows no signs of stopping and takes down High Astromancer Solarian the night after Fathom-Lord goes down. Nice job guys!
Geldin was unable to make the raid, but Teh Squeaker, our Holy Hybrid Dwarf Priest haz made us a nice video of the kill.