Tag archive for ‘Video’

Dead Fantasy: Part III
Over a year ago, I posted Part I and II of Dead Fantasy, machinima videos starring the ladies of Square Enix and Team Ninja. The creator, Monty Oum did an kick-ass job pitting the two teams against each other in an all out brawl. Part III isn’t as over the top as the first two, [...]

PTR Patch 3.2 Testing: Living Bomb
I went onto the PTR again to record a short video of the new Living Bomb in action. It was kind of cool as everyone kind of just stopped and watched as I displayed a nice little fireworks show for them. What I’ve found, is how Mana efficient (yea you heard right) Living Bomb can [...]
Sakura Confirmed for Street Fighter 4
The home console version that is. Kotaku has found an image of a Japanese article which confirmed that the Japanese school girl will join the Street Fighter IV rosters. The Street Fighter 4 Arcade has been out for quite some time now in Japan, and in a few selected locations in the United States, and [...]

WotLK Beta Testing: Blizzard
I’ve already talked a bit about how Blizzard was affected by Fingers of Frost in an earlier post, now I will show it to you. I also loaded some mods onto the Beta account, so now I have Recount to record some data while I am testing out some stuff. As you may know by [...]
Kil’jaeden: Dragon Orbs
As you may already know, I am currently on Kil’jaeden, who is the final boss in the Sunwell Plateau, and also the last boss in the Burning Crusade Expansion. With the Wrath of the Lich King looming just around the corner, I would like to see him dead before taking a break before the next [...]
WotLK: Build 8905 – Mirror Image
The new WotLK Beta test build is out, Build 8905, along with some interesting new Mage changes. Once again, MMO-Champion.com was quick to lets the world know of the news, and has updated the talent trees to reflect the changes. Some of the new changes are just rewording of the text of the talents for [...]
Kil’jaeden: Final Boss of the Burning Crusade
Kil’jaeden the Deceiver, is the sixth and final boss of the Sunwell Plateau, and as well as the final boss of this expansion, The Burning Crusade. He is the Supreme Commander of the Burning Legion, and is also known as the creator of the Lich King. Kil’jaeden The encounter is definitely a fun fight. The [...]

Mage: Evocation Macro
A few people have seen me use Evocation during Battlegrounds after I am oom, or even in Ironforge after conjuring up some food for someone. They would ask: “Why do you switch weapons for Evocation? They changed it from Spirit base to a % of your total mana!”. I link them my Evoc weapons and most of [...]
Street Fighter IV: Anime Trailer
An anime trailer has been released for the Street Fighter IV game. The trailer shows Ryu fighting Akuma, then later brings in Ken. The best part of the trailer however, is the flashbacks of Ryu and Ken’s master, Shen Long. I wonder how will Shen Long be introduced into the game, and if he will [...]
PTR: Patch 2.4.3 – Preparing the Harbor
If you have been on the Public Test Realms, you may have noticed something going on in Stormwind. If you head on over to the Canals (between the Park and the Cathedral), you will see a small group of construction workers making some racket. What could they be doing? Preparing to build the new Stormwind [...]
By the Power of Greyskull!
First of all, if you don’t know what the title of this post means, then shame on you for missing out one of the best Saturday cartoon in the 80′s through the 90′s. It had Warriors, the undead, tiger mounts, even a Mage! Wait what was I going to talk about again? Oh right, I was [...]

Dead Fantasy
I stumbled upon something incredible while browsing the interweb. A user created battle royale video between the TeamNinja Girls and SquareEnix Girls. Think Super Smash Brothers but with an all female cast from the Dead or Alive series, and the Final Fantasy series. It is like a dream come true for some people. The videos [...]
M’uru: Close Encounters with the Third Kind
“M’uru was the sole naaru guardian of Tempest Keep. When the keep was invaded by Kael’thas and his blood elf followers, M’uru was captured and taken to Farstriders’ Square in Silvermoon City. Beginning with the implementation of the Burning Crusade, M’uru was found in Silvermoon City where his energy was being drained for use by [...]
Eredar Twins: 1st Twin Dead
We managed to take down the first of the Eredar Twins tonight. Grand Warlock Alythess was the first of the twin to die, leaving Lady Sacrolash left to kill. She wasn’t as happy as we were though when her sister bit the dust. Lady Sacrolash then gained the abilities of her fallen sister and proceeded to destroy [...]
The First Rule About Frozen Orb…
… you do not talk about Frozen Orb. The second rule about Frozen Orb: You DO NOT talk about Frozen Orb. Well I am going to break some rules to educate the masses on this powerful spell. If you ever visit the WoW>Mage Forums, you often finding yourself reading countless threads that are: 72% – QQ’ing, [...]
4th New Character for Street Fighter: IV
The fourth new character revealed is a Rufus, a fighter who seems to have quite a few martial art moves, however no information of his story or country of origin have been revealed yet by Capcom. He is quite quick and agile for being rather rotund in appearance. My first impression when I saw Rufus was, “Not [...]
Video: Madrigosa vs Brutallus
Here is the video that some of you have been waiting for. It is the fight between Madrigosa and Brutallus in the Sunwell Plateau after you have freed Kalecgos from being controlled by Sathrovarr the Corruptor. Download a clearer version HERE. It is about 25mb. Watch as she battles to obtain information on the whereabouts [...]
Brutallus: DPS Race
We finally got him down! As I said before, this fight is pretty much a dps check for guilds, and we upped our raid dps and got him down. Brutallus is dead! There is only two to three trash mobs from when you take down Kalecgos, to where you fight Brutallus, so this makes it [...]
AC Downs Solarian
Aetherial Circle shows no signs of stopping and takes down High Astromancer Solarian the night after Fathom-Lord goes down. Nice job guys! Geldin was unable to make the raid, but Teh Squeaker, our Holy Hybrid Dwarf Priest haz made us a nice video of the kill.
One of the Frost Mages’ greatest weapon. It is the Frost Mage’s ability to do massive amounts of burst damage to an enemy target, leaving them with little to no time to react. Burst damage on par (if not better) than an AP + PoM -> Pyro Mage- without being a “3 Minute Mage”. Now, I have [...]