Tag archive for ‘Sunwell Plateau’
Kil’jaeden: The Deceiver
Kil’jaeden down! And it only took one patch to make every class overpowered to do it too!
To tell you the truth, I REALLY wanted to get him down before the Echoes of Doom patch, but glad to have finally kill the Deceiver himself, Kil’jaeden… well… his avatar.
You see, you don’t actually KILL Kil’jaeden, you just [...]
What NOT to do during Sunwell Raids
So I missed the last 2 and a half weeks of raiding due to being out of town, and attending a couple of weddings, and now I’m back. Looks like I will be missing out on most of Brewfest, since there is only two days left for me to even having a chance at the [...]

New Upgrade: Leggings of Calamity
Finally some love for casters this week. Pretty much every piece of caster loot that we needed this week, dropped for us, and I happened to get one of them. The [Leggings of Calamity] dropped off of Brutallus, and I was able to snatch them up. For a hefty price of course. These were only [...]
Kil’jaeden: Final Boss of the Burning Crusade
Kil’jaeden the Deceiver, is the sixth and final boss of the Sunwell Plateau, and as well as the final boss of this expansion, The Burning Crusade. He is the Supreme Commander of the Burning Legion, and is also known as the creator of the Lich King.
The encounter is definitely a fun fight. The M’uru/Entropius fight [...]
M’uru: The Dark Naaru
M’uru is finally dead! After a little over two months of wiping over and over again, we finally got the Dark Naaru down. Even after the nerf to M’uru in the last patch, he still gave us all sorts of trouble, and was a pain in the butt to attempt.
M’uru is definitely a very difficult [...]
Over 2200 DPS on Brutallus
The WoWWebStats (WWS) Report are in from the Tuesday night’s Sunwell Plateau raid, and I was able to break 2200 DPS this time on Brutallus. This further proves that Frost isn’t just for control. We can DPS too! /flex epeen
After breaking 2000 DPS from before, I have always been hovering a little over 2000 and [...]

Frost Mage PvE: Brutallus
Brutallus is a pit lord and the second boss of the Sunwell Plateau raid. He is a hard hitting melee oriented boss with blades for hands. You might have spotted him while doing one of the bombing daily quests on the Isle.
If Kalecgos served as the “Skill Check” for the Sunwell Plateau, then Brutallus serves [...]
Blah! Entropius to 50%
Well now with the recent nerf to M’uru/Entropius encounter in Patch 2.4.3, we have seen Phase 2 of the fight a few times. And still, each and every time the fight goes into Phase 2, I am in awe of how stunning the encounter is, when the room lights up, with particle effects flying everywhere [...]
New Upgrade: Amulet of Unfettered Magics
I got a new neck piece last night in the Sunwell Plateau raid. The neck piece that I replaced was the [The Sun King's Talisman] which is a quest reward which starts from turning in the [Verdant Sphere] which Kael’thas drops when you defeat him at Tempest Keep. That neck piece lasted me all of [...]
New Upgrade: Heart of the Pit
After waiting patiently for Brutallus to drop a few times, and letting the Shadow Priests get first dibs on their best Off-Hand (according to shadowpriest.com), I finally got mine. It wasn’t a HUGE upgrade for me, so I had no problems waiting. But now, I have my very own [Heart of the Pit].
My [Chronicle of [...]

Frost Mage PvE: Kalecgos
“Kalecgos is the first boss in the Sunwell Plateau raid, as well as an NPC in Magisters’ Terrace. Players have to free him from his enslavement by Kil’jaeden the Deceiver.
It would appear that while residing on the Isle of Quel’Danas, Kalec was possessed by Sathrovarr the Corruptor, a Dreadlord in service to Kil’jaeden.
This boss fight [...]
M’uru: Close Encounters with the Third Kind
“M’uru was the sole naaru guardian of Tempest Keep. When the keep was invaded by Kael’thas and his blood elf followers, M’uru was captured and taken to Farstriders’ Square in Silvermoon City. Beginning with the implementation of the Burning Crusade, M’uru was found in Silvermoon City where his energy was being drained for use by [...]
Eredar Twins: Double your Pleasure
Double your fun. We finally managed to get the Eredar Twins down on Sunday night after three “official” attempts (one was because someone fell off the ledge and agro’d them by accident).
We killed them in “Reverse Order“, which yielded us one extra piece of epic loot, plus four sunmotes. w00t!
The strategy we used to kill [...]
Over 2000 DPS on Brutallus
The WoWWebStats (WWS) Report came back from Tuesday night’s Sunwell Plateau raid, and I was able to break 2000 DPS on Brutallus. /flex epeen
My previous attempts were around 1700-1800 DPS, so I am glad I was able to increase my DPS with some new gear and some small bit of re-gemming.
Now for Brutallus, in order for [...]
Tier 6 Complete!
Another great Tuesday raid. Had a few trouble with the trash mobs that are in the Sunwell Plateau, the raid went well. Took out the first four bosses in Sunwell again in one night. This time, we will have two full raid days of attempts on the Eredar Twins!
I also managed to get my last piece [...]
w00t! 7/8 Tier 6
After last weeks poor raid performance, we stepped it up for this week sucessfully, and took out the first three bosses of the Sunwell Plateau with little to no problems. Last week it took us a whole day of raiding just to kill one boss each, and on the third day of raiding, we failed [...]
Week 5/13 – Recap
Well there seemed to be a lot of things going on this past week. Especially in the Warcraft business. It had been a long week for me, lots and lots of wiping in Sunwell Plateau, and no loot to go along with it.
The lack of sleep I have been getting doesn’t help either. Maybe this [...]
Doing the Twins in Reverse
No no no. I was talking about the Eredar Twins in the Sunwell Plateau of World of Warcraft. You perverts!
This would be the reason why we have been slacking on the progression on the Eredar Twins. The higher ups had us adjust to a new strategy, which will make it easier (theoretically) for us to kill [...]
Eredar Twins: 1st Twin Dead
We managed to take down the first of the Eredar Twins tonight. Grand Warlock Alythess was the first of the twin to die, leaving Lady Sacrolash left to kill. She wasn’t as happy as we were though when her sister bit the dust. Lady Sacrolash then gained the abilities of her fallen sister and proceeded to destroy [...]
Felmyst: DDR Fever
w00t! We killed Felmyst Sunday night after about two hours of wiping and re-learning the fight. We brought along a new Shadow Priest, so it took some time for her to learn the fight, but once she got the strategy down, then down went Felmyst.
We now had four total Priests for the Felmyst attempts mainly for [...]