Tag archive for ‘PvP’
Frost Mage PvP: 103 – Gearing for PvP
Now that you have and understanding of some of the basics of Frost Mage PvP, and know what stats to aim for, you need to gear yourself for PvP. But where to start?
In Wrath of the Lich King, Blizzard has given players many ways to obtain PvP gear. The obvious way is to PvP. Participate [...]

Frost Mage PvP: 102 – Spell Penetration and Resilience
We’ve already cover some of the basics in Frost Mage PvP: 101, now let us get into more details about what else we need to know.
The stats you need for PvP is a little bit different from PvE. Of course you will still need Spell Power, Crit, Haste, and Hit; but now you will also [...]
Frost Mage PvP: 101
Welcome to introductory class to Frost Mage PvP! This will cover the very basics of what you need to know about PvPing as a Frost Mage. I will making additional posts to cover the different aspects of PvP. You can’t learn it all in one post!
I’ve gotten a few emails about PvPing, so this is [...]
36 Minute Arena Match
The beginning of all my Arena Sessions usually start with, “Let’s do our 10 games for the week!” That leads to, “Let’s keep Arena’ing til 7pm!” On good days it leads to, “Let’s get XXXX rating so we can get our next piece of gear! We’re so close!” Sometimes it ends up with, “OMG let’s [...]
Season 8 Arena: Week One
The first week of Arena with my new Rogue partner was very fun. It felt really good to participate in Arena matches again. All these feelings I’ve had the last time I arena’d are coming back to me- and I’ve missed them all.
The rush of ending a match only a few seconds into the match; [...]
Over 1000 Resilience
So what did I do with all that Honor I farmed during the first two weeks of Season 8? New Wrathful gear! There are a couple of pieces you can pick up with just Honor that doesn’t have a Arena Rating Requirement on them. I made sure to pick them all up!
Patch 3.2 gave us [...]
Back into PvP Mode
When Patch 3.3.2 was released, it marked the beginning of Season 8 of Arena- which will also be the last season of the Wrath of the Lich King Expansion. It also gave me a new reason to start PvPing again, and more reason to kill Horde.
107k Honor in one day!
Since I am now on a [...]
Getting a Head Start in Wintergrasp
Here is a small trick to give you a head start in the battle for Wintergrasp. Not only can you just get one of the dailies out of the way, you can also be one of the first players to pilot a ground vehicle in battle.
All you have to do is to fly into the [...]

Arcane Mage PvP: Never Give Up
Here is a video from Round 4 of the second Best of Five Grandfinals match between SK Gaming Asia and HON. Yea I don’t know what means either, I’m just quoting what I read from the description. All I know is that this is a match between two well known Arena teams, and Mages were [...]

Mage PvP Gear: Season 5
While I was on an honor farming spree last week to upgrade my PvP gear, I made frequent visits to various sites, and took note of which gear is out there that I could acquire. I took note of how much honor or emblems I needed to help plan out what my goal was to [...]

Doing an Insane Amount of Honor Farming
After my failure of a Season 5 Arena debut last week, I made it a mission to replace all my level 70 PvP gear, and to make sure I’m prepared for next time. I had plenty of time during the day Saturday and Sunday to work with. I would farmed more honor if stuff like [...]

More Dragon Dancing
So I was running around Azeroth doing the boring Lunar Festival achievements where you have To Honor One’s Elders, and go to the point were I needed to start in Kalimdor. I decided to start at Gadgetzan, and took the portal there from Violet Citadel. My computer loads, and I mount up my character and [...]

For the Alliance!
It was around 8 in the morning for me, which is around 5am for the server I play on. A guildie asks in guild chat that he was looking for a few more players to raid the Horde Captials. I was only level 74 at the time, but sure what the heck. I joined the [...]
My Arena Gear Setup
My Arena Gear setup is somewhat different from what most Arena experts would expect. Instead of stacking Stamina and Resilience like a good little Mage, I opted for more quick and destructive approach. So far it has proven to work in 2v2 and 3v3 quite nicely.
At a quick glance, you would see I have Season [...]
Bought the Wrong @#%! Ring!
As you may know, me and my 2v2 partner got over 1650 rating last week, but didn’t have enough Honor Points to purchase our Season 4 Rings. So we played it on the safe side and played 3v3 with one of our other friends for points this week, since we didn’t want to play our [...]

End Game Satisfaction
Cambios from Muckbeast made a few comments about end game satisfaction, and raiding in general. He does make some very good points, both here and in his blog. I know where he’s coming at and agree with some of his points to a certain degree.
Maybe because of his game design background, he is viewing this [...]
Hpwnwork Assignment #1 – Team B
Continuing our assignment, we now look at the other team, Team B. Team A’s setup and strategy can be read HERE.
Here is another look at the assignment:
Part One:
“For each class involved, pick a spec for them that you think works for the particular makeups.”
Time to work on the bottom team! Here is a look at [...]
Hpwnwork Assignment #1 – Team A
Megan from Out of Mana posted an Arena Assignment for the readers to come up with a spec for all the players, and pretty much explain what each player will be doing given the team makeup and opponent. She gave the assignment a week and a half ago, and just like I would in real [...]
More Arena in Week Two
Now that I had enough games for Geldin for the week, time to get Utada some Arena points. Right now she is only in a 2v2 team. Her partner, as you may already know, is a Warlock, and we did a lot better this week. Last week we went 25-25 and ended with a rating [...]
Week 2 of Season 4
I played 10 games the first week on Geldin, in a PMR 3v3 setup. Doomilias was the Rogue, and our friend Carl was playing his Priest. We went 5-5 and ended up with 1505 rating. We blamed competitive nature of the first week of the season, and the fact that last season’s high rating teams [...]