Tag archive for ‘Mage’

PTR Patch 3.3 – Permanent Water Elemental
In the latest Build (10571) on the Public Test Realms, Blizzard made a few changes to the Mage class- all good ones. It looks like they have the Fire and Arcane tree right where they want them in terms of PvE DPS, and are working towards making the Frost tree more viable. Once again, you [...]

Mage Tier 8 Is Really Ugly
Why oh why did Blizzard decide to mess with the Mage outfits? A Tunic!? Seriously!? Rarely do I get a piece of gear, and refuse to use it because of the way it looks, but this sure did. I’m talking about the [Conqueror's Kirin Tor Tunic]. I got my Tunic maybe two weeks ago with [...]

WoW Insider’s Secret Mage Page
There seems to be a hidden directory on the WoW Insider’s (now just WoW.com) website. Maybe it is just a work in progress. Maybe it was it was just lost in the transition of going from WoWinsider.com over to WoW.com. Maybe it is an abandoned project, never to see the light of day again. Or [...]
Is it Faster to Blink or Mount Between the AH and Bank in Ironforge?
I asked this question last time when I talked about the new changes to Mounts that may happen in Patch 3.2. Well it’s time to test it out. Currently, most Alliance Mages in Ironforge will simply Blink between the Auction House and the Bank. We won’t bother to mount up like most other classes. But [...]

PTR Patch 3.2 – Frost Mages Get Mortal Strike and More Haste
In the latest PTR Build 10072, Blizzard had made a few more changes to the Mage class- Frost Mages in particular. This had been brought to my attention by the folks at MMO-Champion, and you can view the entire list of changes here. Like always, I’ll be concentrating on the Mage changes. Frost Mage by [...]

PTR Patch 3.2 – Living Bomb on Multiple Targets
Now that I’m back into the mood to return to the World of Warcraft, I copied my character over to the new Public Test Realms to see what was going on with the next patch. So far I am liking it. The next content patch (3.2) will be called Call of the Crusade, and will [...]

Giant Wolf Mage!?
The new patch came with a new transformation! You can now turn into a giant wolf, anywhere! Time for me to finally turn in my quest in Howling Fjord and get rid of my [Worg Disguise]. For this you will need the help of an Inscriptionist. The recipe they need is the [Technique: Rituals of [...]
My Dual Specs
Patch 3.1.0 is finally here and we now have our Dual Specs. All the Hybrid classes are all excited to be able to swap between Tank/Healer/DPS specs with ease. Just because we can only DPS, doesn’t mean Dual Spec isn’t worth it for us. Now we can bring two different PvE specs to a raid, [...]
How to be an Asshat Mage
You can’t deny it, every Mage has some douchebaggery in him/her. It comes with the Mage class. Some just have more of it than others. Then there are some of you, just waiting to unleash your inner-asshat. It has either happen already, or will eventually happen. Either way, you might as well do it the [...]

Primary Professions for Mages
This is for any Mage looking to maximize their class by selecting the best possible professions available. It isn’t as easy as it seems though, since there are ten possible professions available, and can only select two of them. When maximizing your character, you would sacrifice the convenience and profit of selecting a gathering profession, [...]

PTR Patch 3.1.0 – Newest Build Give Mages Buffs
The newest PTR Build (9733) gives Mages a passive buff for our Improved Scorch and Winter’s Chill talents, as well as buff the new version of Molten Armor. The list of all changes can be found at MMO-Champion as always. Fire Living Bomb AoE damage has been greatly increased. Rank 3 now deals 690 Fire [...]

Racial Traits for Mages
“I was planning on making a new Mage, what Race should I be? It doesn’t matter if it is Horde or Alliance since I will be starting on a PvE server with a couple of friends. Thanks!” Creating a new character can be very time consuming. I remember spending a good 30 minutes or so, [...]

Arcane Mage PvP: Never Give Up
Here is a video from Round 4 of the second Best of Five Grandfinals match between SK Gaming Asia and HON. Yea I don’t know what means either, I’m just quoting what I read from the description. All I know is that this is a match between two well known Arena teams, and Mages were [...]

Mage Guide to Ignite
Ignite has always been a tricky subject for Mages. Since the beginning, the mechanics of this talent has always been questioned and tested numerous amounts of time. Much like Blink, after many patches and attempts to fix it, it has never been “working as intended”, but has come pretty close. First let’s take a look [...]
PTR Patch 3.1.0 – Set Bonuses and Crit Nerfs
Last night Blizzard hit us with the latest PTR Build (9704), which revealed all the set bonuses for the Tier 8 gear of all classes. You can take a look at all the set bonuses here at MMO-Champion. Mage Tier 8 Set Bonuses: 2 Pieces: Your Arcane Blast, Frostbolt, Frostfire Bolt, and Fireball spells have [...]

PTR Patch 3.1.0 – New Mage Glyphs
More Mage changes were up on MMO-Champion.com, this time some changes to existing Glyphs, as well as some new ones. Once again you can look at them here at MMO-Champion.com. Glyph Changes: Glyph of Ice Lance: Your Ice Lance now causes 4 times damage against frozen targets higher level than you instead of triple damage. [...]

Mage PvP Gear: Season 5
While I was on an honor farming spree last week to upgrade my PvP gear, I made frequent visits to various sites, and took note of which gear is out there that I could acquire. I took note of how much honor or emblems I needed to help plan out what my goal was to [...]

I See Mages Everywhere
Last time I wrote about how the [Underbelly Elixir] had the power to turn you into a Tuskarr Mage. This time I’ll talk about one of the other effects you can get. It has the ability to turn everyone you see into a Mage! Now you see why they call Dalaran, “The City of Mages”. [...]

Doing an Insane Amount of Honor Farming
After my failure of a Season 5 Arena debut last week, I made it a mission to replace all my level 70 PvP gear, and to make sure I’m prepared for next time. I had plenty of time during the day Saturday and Sunday to work with. I would farmed more honor if stuff like [...]

Patch 3.0.9 – Arcane Changes Again
The notes for Patch 3.0.9 has been released on MMO-Champion.com, and this patch WILL go live this week! The Arcane Tree has seen quite a few bit of changing in the last couple patches, and for this patch, we will only see changes to the Arcane Tree and Arcane Glyphs. No love (or hate) for [...]