Archive for August, 2009
Insane in the Membrane
I decided to walk down a long, expensive, and painful path. The path where at the end of the journey, I will be labeled as “Insane”. That is IF I manage to make it to the end. I’m going for one of the feats of strength, Insane in the Membrane.
Image from Blizzard’s Fanart Section
I already [...]

Achievements Are More Fun With a Partner
My name is Tuna, and I am an Achievement-aholic. Chances are, if you are reading this blog, the evil Achievement system also has a hold of you. You want to do them. You don’t know why. You see a list, you want to start scratching stuff off of it. You see an objective, you want [...]

Gaming Tournament During My College Days
My buddy from my college days came to visit the past few weeks (which explains the lack of posts here), and there was a lot of reminiscing about the good ol’ times. Many of the topics that came up was the games we played during that time. One particular story came up which made me [...]

Waste Money on Your XBox360 Avatars
I turned on the Xbox this morning, and logged on to XBoxLive in hopes to get a few games of Marvel vs Capcom 2 in before I start my day- you know, cause this is what wakes me up in the morning. Instead, I got a message saying that I have to download an update [...]

Emblem of Heroism Dilemma
Okay so I updated to Patch 3.2, fixed my UI (that was a pain in the ass!), tried the new 5 man dungeon (do away with mounted fight part plz), and found that everyone and their mothers are doing Heroics now.
I got like five invites within the 30 minutes I was on while trying to [...]
Patch 3.2 Has Been Out for 5 Days…
… and I just now got around to downloading the new patch. Not that I wasn’t interested in the new changes or anything- I’m excited for the new buffs for the Mage class. It’s just that ever since I stopped raiding full-time, I’ve found other means of distraction now for my free time.
After merging my [...]