Tag archive for ‘Talents’

Guide to Frost PvE: Talents
With the release of the latest Patch 3.3 – Fall of the Lich King, many Mages are going the trying out the new changes to Frost PvE. Permanent Water Elemental and using Deep Freeze on bosses were reason enough to give Frost a shot again in a raiding environment. Is it enough to hang with [...]
My Dual Specs
Patch 3.1.0 is finally here and we now have our Dual Specs. All the Hybrid classes are all excited to be able to swap between Tank/Healer/DPS specs with ease. Just because we can only DPS, doesn’t mean Dual Spec isn’t worth it for us. Now we can bring two different PvE specs to a raid, [...]

PTR Patch 3.0.8 – Mage Raid Specs
Undead Mage by Black Valentine
The Official Patch Notes for the Patch 3.0.8 Test Realm has been updated recently, and you can find it here on the WoW website. With the changes being made to the Mage’s talent trees, there will be a few adjustments you will need to make, and brand new specs to try [...]
WotLK: Build 8719 – More Mage Changes
You are probably tired of reading all the changes in the Mage Talents for each Beta changes, knowing that they will most likely be changed again. Still I would like to keep posting changes because I like discussing how they affect us. Plus there is always a chance that some of these changes will be [...]
WotLK: New Beta Talent Build
New Talent Build is out for the Wrath of the Lich King beta. Also known as the Build 8681, there are new changes to many Class Talents, including Mages. I found most of the changes from MMO-Champion.com, and you can go there for more information. Here are the Mage changes from the new build:
Arcane Subtley [...]
WotLK: Arcane Talents Changed
Looks like Blizzard has already started tweaking the Mage Talents according to the feedback they have received during Alpha and now Beta. So far only the Arcane Tree being changed. We should expect the Fire and Frost Tree to be tuned as well in the future.
New Talents look very nice.
At first glance at the new [...]
Frost Specs with the WotLK Beta Talents
Now that Alpha is over, and the Beta Phase has just started, I might as well post up the spec I will most likely take. There hasn’t been a change from what I posted with the Alpha Talents, and the Talents released in Beta, so I pretty much kept the same specs.
PvE Raiding Spec – [...]