Tag archive for ‘Pictures’
Otakon 2009 Pictures!
Here are pictures from this year’s Otakon! There were a TON of people there at the convention this year. Over 25,000 people this year according to ANN. As always, there were a lot of cosplayers too!.
Friend: Oooh quest givers from WoW!
Me: ???
Friend: Over there to the left! See them?!

Otakon 2009!
Going to be gone this weekend. I will be nerding it up in Baltimore, MD again this year for good ‘ol Otakon. Anime, Manga, Games, and a lot of cosplaying. Otakon, here I come!
I will also remember to post pictures from this year’s Otakon in a more timely manner. Not like last year’s pictures where I just happen to finally get around to posting them… now.
Soul Eater – 2
I am the Star! ~Is there a man who is more famous than me?~
The second episode of the series focuses on another Meister/Weapon dual. This time it is Black Star and Tsubaki, and their quest to obtain 99 evil human souls and 1 witch’s soul.
Soul Eater – 1
Soul’s Resonance ~Soul Eater, Will you become a Death Scythe?~
Soul Eater Episode 1 aired last week and I finally found time to blog about it. Soul Eater airs every week on Mondays, then airs again on Wednesday night with the “Late Night” version.