Tag archive for ‘Otakon’

Otakon 2009!
Going to be gone this weekend. I will be nerding it up in Baltimore, MD again this year for good ‘ol Otakon. Anime, Manga, Games, and a lot of cosplaying. Otakon, here I come!
I will also remember to post pictures from this year’s Otakon in a more timely manner. Not like last year’s pictures where I just happen to finally get around to posting them… now.

Week 8/12 – Recap
World of Warcraft:
Big news for me, and I think it is worth mentioning again, M’uru / Entropius finally down! Working on Kil’jaeden now, and hopefully soon, I can say, “I beat the game!” again…
Video Games:
Final Fantasy IV: I reached the final dungeon and it has been kicking my butt. Looks like I reached it too [...]
Week 7/15 – Recap
World of Warcraft:
Public Beta is out and no, I haven’t gotten my beta key yet. It is alright though, as much as I want to test out the new stuff, there are still a lot to accomplish in our current expansion. Still, it would be nice if I were to get one! WTB [Beta Key] [...]