Tag archive for ‘Mount’
Is it Faster to Blink or Mount Between the AH and Bank in Ironforge?
I asked this question last time when I talked about the new changes to Mounts that may happen in Patch 3.2. Well it’s time to test it out.
Currently, most Alliance Mages in Ironforge will simply Blink between the Auction House and the Bank. We won’t bother to mount up like most other classes. But is [...]

PTR Patch 3.2 Testing: Frostbolts and Mounts and Titles, Oh My!
I had some time over the weekend to play around for a little bit on the Public Test Realm. Mainly to see how fast my new Frostbolts are, but I stumbled upon other discoveries. Changes to Mounts and changes to Titles!
Empowered Frostbolt
So we know that Frost Mages will be getting a PvE buff with the [...]

Fun with the Headless Horseman Mount
Even though I have accumulated a lot of cool mounts, I still find myself using mainly one mount: The Headless Horseman Mount. It was the mount I won last year during the Halloween Event.
One main reason I use only this mount is that because it functions as ground mount as well as a flying mount. [...]
Rainbow of Drakes
After reading BRK’s Rainbow of Proto Drakes post, I went to see if anything cool like that was happening on my server. Looks like there were a lot of bored players on with plenty of time to spare.
Twilight Drake Mount
Not even two days after I got my Bronze Drake, I have already found a replacement mount. Another Drake. A bigger Drake. A way better looking Drake. A Twilight Drake. Sorry Chromie, but I just got a more pimped up ride.
Sartharion is a Dragon boss located in the Obsidian Sanctum, and he is accompanied by [...]
I Haz a Bronze Drake
There is a new Caverns of Time instance with the release of Wrath of the Lich King. The “Culling of Stratholme” shows the events which take place during Warcraft III, when Prince Arthas (while still a Paladin) deals with the town of Stratholme being infected with the plague. This is my favorite instance so far, [...]

I Haz Headless Horseman Mount!
Continuing the good day I was having on my Birthday, I got a message from my partner in crime to do a couple runs at the Headless Horseman. I thought to myself, “she wants to steal another mount from me!”, but I didn’t mind, I still needed the Helm and Pet for the other achievement [...]

Soloing Stratholme on Mage
So I had a crazy idea to start farming for probably the most sought after mount in World of Warcraft. Well… the most sought after land mount. The Phoenix mount would be the most sought after flying mount.
I am talking about Baron Rivendare’s Deathcharger. The [Deathcharger's Reins] has a drop rate of less than .01% [...]