Tag archive for ‘Mages’

Attention Mages: Calm Down About Spirit!
To: Raiding Mages
From: Tuna
RE: Calm the $#@^ down about Spirit!
Again, with my current gear, unbuffed, and only Rank 1 Student of the Mind, I’m at 517 Spirit. 7 pieces of my gear have Spirit on them (including 2 pieces T7.5), 10 pieces of the rest of my gear, have zero Spirit. 15.57 of that Spirit [...]
Mages Wanted
Or is it Magi? /shrug. I have been tagged by Megan again with another one of those meme/chain-mail/disease/curse thingies. This time the rules are:
Fill in the blanks,
On the road of _____, there is(are) _____ and _____.
_____ Wanted.
Or something along those lines. It was based off one of the old Volkswagen Slogans. So here is what [...]

I’d Hit That
Caster DPS: Spell Hit is a combat attribute that increases a caster’s chance to hit with spells. Spell hit is primarily obtained from talents or gear that has spell hit rating. The more spell hit gear a caster has the lower the chance the casters spells will miss (i.e. an enemy resist the spells). This [...]