Tag archive for ‘Mage’
Tuskarr Mage!?
While we’re on the topic of different Mage races, here is one of my favorite transformations so far. The Tuskarr transformation!
“The Tuskarr are humanoid walrus people who live in Northrend. Although seen throughout Northrend, they make their homes primarily in the Borean Tundra. The Tuskarr culture is centered around fishing and whaling such that a [...]

Solo’d Onyxia on my Mage
After reading about Faxmonkey vs Onyxia on PTR, I just had to do this myself when the patch came out. It was one of the most intense fight I’ve ever had so far in WoW. I had to time all my shield cooldowns nearly flawlessly in order to survive all of Onyxia’s attacks. Many times [...]

PTR Patch 3.0.8 – Mage Raid Specs
Undead Mage by Black Valentine
The Official Patch Notes for the Patch 3.0.8 Test Realm has been updated recently, and you can find it here on the WoW website. With the changes being made to the Mage’s talent trees, there will be a few adjustments you will need to make, and brand new specs to try [...]
Not Fire… FROSTfire!
I’m Baaaack!
After falling off the face of Azeroth, I have returned. After the holidays (hope everyone had a good one!), my schedule has been changed around quite a bit, and it has taken me a bit of time to get used to it. I now have a bit less WoW time (which sadly also includes [...]
2 Piece Valorous Frostfire
The Heroes’ Frostfire Garb is the Tier 7 Mage set gear, which can be obtained by Lost Vanquisher Tokens which drop off by some of the bosses in 10 Man Naxxramas, 10 Man Sartharion, and 10 Man Malygos. The Valorous Frostfire Garb is considered as the Tier 7.5 Mage set gear, and can be obtained [...]

A Totally Different Mage in 10 Days
If you can remember, not even 3hrs after hit the Wrath of the Lich King level cap of 80, I was already thrown into the world of raiding again, and had already started picking new gear. Pretty much every 25 man raid I attended this last almost two weeks, I’ve picked up a new piece [...]

Spell Hit for Raiding Mages
With the release of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, there has been a few changes in the combat ratings due to the new level cap players are now able to reach.
One of those ratings is Spell Hit Rating, which is now just called Hit Rating. Here is an update to my old post [...]
Mage Tricks for Achievements
It has almost been a month since The Echoes of Doom patch was released, and the Achievement system with it. Since the release, everyone and their mothers have been running around doing ridiculous chores in order to unlock these Achievements. Including myself.
Now there a few achievements out there which take a massive amount of time [...]

Patch 3.0.3 – Buffs, Nerfs, and Fixes
The latest patch was released yesterday during Tuesday’s regular weekly maintenance. Though the patch will only be remembered for being the Nerf Hammer for Retribution Paladins, there were a few changes that will affect Mages as well. You can check out the full patch notes for the latest patch HERE.
As for Mage changes, let’s take [...]

Wrath Will Make Spell Rotations More Fun (part 2)
Credit for this amazing picture goes to whoever the talented artist is!
Okay when I say WotLK is going to make Spell Rotations “more fun”, what I meant is that you won’t be half-awake spamming one or two buttons over and over again. Your Spell Rotations will be more interactive and less monotonous. I guess you [...]

Wrath Will Make Spell Rotations More Fun (part 1)
This is one of the subtle changes to be made in WotLK which I am looking forward to. No longer will you be spamming one or two buttons over and over again during instances, while watching a movie, or while playing Bejeweled. Yes your Spell Rotations will actually require you to be awake now, and [...]
Mage PvE Gear Sets: Pre-TBC
The gear sets is what defines the roles of the class you are playing. From the stats that are given on each piece of gear, to the set bonuses of each regalia. Even how the gear looks like, they are tailored for your class for the most part. Over the years, as the game changes, [...]

WotLK: Build 9014 – No Damage on Deep Freeze
More tweaking and tinkering done by Blizzard, and they have come up with another build, the WotLK Beta Build 9014. This time from a mix from WorldofRaids.com and MMO-Champion.com, I have come up with a revised list of changes from this new beta build. Here is a look at the new changes for our Mage [...]

WotLK Beta Testing: Focus Magic
Next up is the 11 Point Arcane Talent: Focus Magic. This talent gives the Mage another raid utility, and gives the raid another reason to bring a Mage. I also updated my posts on Mirror Image, Fingers of Frost, and Blizzard.
When cast, the Focus Magic buff is applied to EVERY raid member, pet, and minions. [...]
WotLK Beta Testing: Mirror Image
Mirror Image has been confirmed to be the new level 80 Mage spell for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. After Blizzard removed Shatter Shield as our level 80 spell, we were without a new spell for quite some time. Mirror Image is the new spell, and it is pretty good.
The images work very [...]
Kil’jaeden: Dragon Orbs
As you may already know, I am currently on Kil’jaeden, who is the final boss in the Sunwell Plateau, and also the last boss in the Burning Crusade Expansion. With the Wrath of the Lich King looming just around the corner, I would like to see him dead before taking a break before the next [...]
WotLK: Build 8820 – Mage Glyphs
Woops! I forgot to give credit to MMO-Champion for this quick up to date news. They also provided us with an updated Talent Calculator to reflect the changes in the WotLK Beta Build 8820: Talent Calculator
Glyph of Fireball – Increases the initial damage dealt by Fireball by 5%, but removes the damage over time effect.
Glyph [...]

Arena Woes
Finally, I was able to get back to Arena. For the past 3 weeks, either me or my partner were unable to be on at the same time to get our 10+ games in for points. So after weeks of packing, moving, going on trips, power outages, internet difficulties, and sickness, we are back! But [...]
WotLK Beta: Mirror Image
The WotLK Beta has changed builds once again, and is currently at Build 8788. There were only two changes to the talents this time. A change to Torment the Weak and a change to Fingers of Frost. The biggest chance however is a brand new spell to replace our Shatter Shield spell, which was replaced [...]
WotLK: Build 8770 – Instant Cast Deep Freeze
I come back from my small trip and already there is some more tweaks to the Mage class in WotLK. The new WotLK Beta Build 8770 is out, and they were posted again by MMO-Champion.com a couple days ago, so it may be old news to you. If you haven’t taken a look at it [...]