Tag archive for ‘Deep Freeze’

PTR Patch 3.3 Testing: 20k Deep Freezes
Copied my Mage over to the Public Test Realm, and also copied some pre-made Mages over as well. Holy Crap! 20,000 damage Deep Freezes! That is only self buffed too! If you just add another 13% Damage increase from only Curse of Elements, you’re looking at 22.6k Deep Freeze!
The character I used was the pre-made [...]

PTR Patch 3.3 – Deep Freeze on Bosses
The PTR Patch Notes have been updated once again on the WoW website with a few new changes to the upcoming patches. You can view the the full patch notes here. The only reason you are here reading however, is because of the new change to Deep Freeze.
The new change to Deep Freeze is:
Deep Freeze: [...]

WotLK: Build 9014 – No Damage on Deep Freeze
More tweaking and tinkering done by Blizzard, and they have come up with another build, the WotLK Beta Build 9014. This time from a mix from WorldofRaids.com and MMO-Champion.com, I have come up with a revised list of changes from this new beta build. Here is a look at the new changes for our Mage [...]
WotLK: Build 8770 – Instant Cast Deep Freeze
I come back from my small trip and already there is some more tweaks to the Mage class in WotLK. The new WotLK Beta Build 8770 is out, and they were posted again by MMO-Champion.com a couple days ago, so it may be old news to you. If you haven’t taken a look at it [...]