Archive for 2009
Insane in the Membrane
I decided to walk down a long, expensive, and painful path. The path where at the end of the journey, I will be labeled as “Insane”. That is IF I manage to make it to the end. I’m going for one of the feats of strength, Insane in the Membrane.
Image from Blizzard’s Fanart Section
I already [...]

Achievements Are More Fun With a Partner
My name is Tuna, and I am an Achievement-aholic. Chances are, if you are reading this blog, the evil Achievement system also has a hold of you. You want to do them. You don’t know why. You see a list, you want to start scratching stuff off of it. You see an objective, you want [...]

Gaming Tournament During My College Days
My buddy from my college days came to visit the past few weeks (which explains the lack of posts here), and there was a lot of reminiscing about the good ol’ times. Many of the topics that came up was the games we played during that time. One particular story came up which made me [...]

Waste Money on Your XBox360 Avatars
I turned on the Xbox this morning, and logged on to XBoxLive in hopes to get a few games of Marvel vs Capcom 2 in before I start my day- you know, cause this is what wakes me up in the morning. Instead, I got a message saying that I have to download an update [...]

Emblem of Heroism Dilemma
Okay so I updated to Patch 3.2, fixed my UI (that was a pain in the ass!), tried the new 5 man dungeon (do away with mounted fight part plz), and found that everyone and their mothers are doing Heroics now.
I got like five invites within the 30 minutes I was on while trying to [...]
Patch 3.2 Has Been Out for 5 Days…
… and I just now got around to downloading the new patch. Not that I wasn’t interested in the new changes or anything- I’m excited for the new buffs for the Mage class. It’s just that ever since I stopped raiding full-time, I’ve found other means of distraction now for my free time.
After merging my [...]

Haruhi Suzumiya: How Endless Eight Should End
I am sure all current viewers of this season’s The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya are tired of Endless Eight’s time loop. I mean… after the last week’s episode (number seven), it was the SIXTH time we’ve seen the events unfold for the SOS Brigade’s final two weeks of summer. SIX TIMES! Sure, I thought the [...]
Otakon 2009 Pictures!
Here are pictures from this year’s Otakon! There were a TON of people there at the convention this year. Over 25,000 people this year according to ANN. As always, there were a lot of cosplayers too!.
Friend: Oooh quest givers from WoW!
Me: ???
Friend: Over there to the left! See them?!
Housing in World of Warcraft
I recently re-activated one of my old account of an old MMO (gasp, I know!) I used to play. It was a game I was highly addicted to back in my college days that rhymes with “sminal smantasy smeleven”. Anyways, playing the game for a few hours, it got me wondering about Player Housing, and [...]

WoW Insider’s Secret Mage Page
There seems to be a hidden directory on the WoW Insider’s (now just website. Maybe it is just a work in progress. Maybe it was it was just lost in the transition of going from over to Maybe it is an abandoned project, never to see the light of day again.
Or maybe [...]

Otakon 2009!
Going to be gone this weekend. I will be nerding it up in Baltimore, MD again this year for good ‘ol Otakon. Anime, Manga, Games, and a lot of cosplaying. Otakon, here I come!
I will also remember to post pictures from this year’s Otakon in a more timely manner. Not like last year’s pictures where I just happen to finally get around to posting them… now.
Is it Faster to Blink or Mount Between the AH and Bank in Ironforge?
I asked this question last time when I talked about the new changes to Mounts that may happen in Patch 3.2. Well it’s time to test it out.
Currently, most Alliance Mages in Ironforge will simply Blink between the Auction House and the Bank. We won’t bother to mount up like most other classes. But is [...]

Dead Fantasy: Part III
Over a year ago, I posted Part I and II of Dead Fantasy, machinima videos starring the ladies of Square Enix and Team Ninja. The creator, Monty Oum did an kick-ass job pitting the two teams against each other in an all out brawl.
Part III isn’t as over the top as the first two, and [...]

PTR Patch 3.2 Testing: Frostbolts and Mounts and Titles, Oh My!
I had some time over the weekend to play around for a little bit on the Public Test Realm. Mainly to see how fast my new Frostbolts are, but I stumbled upon other discoveries. Changes to Mounts and changes to Titles!
Empowered Frostbolt
So we know that Frost Mages will be getting a PvE buff with the [...]

PTR Patch 3.2 Testing: Living Bomb
I went onto the PTR again to record a short video of the new Living Bomb in action. It was kind of cool as everyone kind of just stopped and watched as I displayed a nice little fireworks show for them.
What I’ve found, is how Mana efficient (yea you heard right) Living Bomb can be [...]

PTR Patch 3.2 – Frost Mages Get Mortal Strike and More Haste
In the latest PTR Build 10072, Blizzard had made a few more changes to the Mage class- Frost Mages in particular. This had been brought to my attention by the folks at MMO-Champion, and you can view the entire list of changes here. Like always, I’ll be concentrating on the Mage changes.
Frost Mage by Dan [...]

PTR Patch 3.2 – Living Bomb on Multiple Targets
Now that I’m back into the mood to return to the World of Warcraft, I copied my character over to the new Public Test Realms to see what was going on with the next patch. So far I am liking it.
The next content patch (3.2) will be called Call of the Crusade, and will introduce [...]
One Day of the Midsummer Fire Festival
I just came back not too long ago from my little vacation, just in time to enjoy a nice holiday. Good way to ease myself back into normal mode from vacation mode. It was the Fourth of July, and I have already done some grilling earlier in the day so I decided to sign onto [...]
Back From the Cruise
And I came back seven pounds heavier, burnt all over my body, and my face looking waaaaay too tan. I had too much fun, and didn’t want to come back to the real world. Sadly, it had to end eventually.
This was my home for the last 2 weeks
I came back just in time to enjoy [...]

Sorry, Been Busy Lately
This has probably been the longest break from posting on the site I’ve ever had. Don’t worry folks, I’m still alive- just been busy. Actually… busy AND lazy. I blame the nice weather we’ve been getting lately in the City of Brotherly Love.
There have been many many times where at the end of the day, [...]