Archive for March, 2009
Farewell to the BigRedKitty
As you may have already heard, everyone’s favorite Hunter has announced that he will be making an exit from WoW and Blogging. And like many bloggers have done already, I feel the need to say good bye to BRK as well. Because also like many bloggers, BRK was the reason that got us to start [...]
Not on the Same Quest? Too Bad!
Questing… I hate doing quests, I really do. Sure they are very good for making gold, but unless there is something else like reputation gains or achievements, then I don’t bother doing them. On non-Raid nights, players would sign on to do daily quests to make gold. Me, I would sign on, jump around in [...]

PTR Patch 3.1.0 – Newest Build Give Mages Buffs
The newest PTR Build (9733) gives Mages a passive buff for our Improved Scorch and Winter’s Chill talents, as well as buff the new version of Molten Armor. The list of all changes can be found at MMO-Champion as always.
Living Bomb AoE damage has been greatly increased. Rank 3 now deals 690 Fire damage (up [...]

Attention Mages: Calm Down About Spirit!
To: Raiding Mages
From: Tuna
RE: Calm the $#@^ down about Spirit!
Again, with my current gear, unbuffed, and only Rank 1 Student of the Mind, I’m at 517 Spirit. 7 pieces of my gear have Spirit on them (including 2 pieces T7.5), 10 pieces of the rest of my gear, have zero Spirit. 15.57 of that Spirit [...]
PTR Patch 3.1.0 – New Non-Combat Pet Icons
For those of you who care, new pet icons! These are the only ones I have noticed so far on the PTR, but the new changes makes it easier to find these pets in your pet tab. No more mistakenly summoning Eggbert when you wanted to summon Pengu. No more summoning the Netherwhelp when you [...]

Racial Traits for Mages
“I was planning on making a new Mage, what Race should I be? It doesn’t matter if it is Horde or Alliance since I will be starting on a PvE server with a couple of friends. Thanks!”
Creating a new character can be very time consuming. I remember spending a good 30 minutes or so, customizing [...]

Arcane Mage PvP: Never Give Up
Here is a video from Round 4 of the second Best of Five Grandfinals match between SK Gaming Asia and HON. Yea I don’t know what means either, I’m just quoting what I read from the description. All I know is that this is a match between two well known Arena teams, and Mages were [...]

PTR Patch 3.1.0 – Random Screenshots
Here are a few screenshots taken from the Public Test Realm for the upcoming Patch 3.1.0. Some of them are just to show some of the new stuff coming out, and some are of how nice the inside of the new raid instance, Ulduar, looks.
New Look for Tier 7.5 Shoulders
There is a new metallic look [...]

Mage Guide to Ignite
Ignite has always been a tricky subject for Mages. Since the beginning, the mechanics of this talent has always been questioned and tested numerous amounts of time. Much like Blink, after many patches and attempts to fix it, it has never been “working as intended”, but has come pretty close. First let’s take a look [...]
PTR Patch 3.1.0 – Set Bonuses and Crit Nerfs
Last night Blizzard hit us with the latest PTR Build (9704), which revealed all the set bonuses for the Tier 8 gear of all classes. You can take a look at all the set bonuses here at MMO-Champion.
Mage Tier 8 Set Bonuses:
2 Pieces: Your Arcane Blast, Frostbolt, Frostfire Bolt, and Fireball spells have a chance [...]
Dragon Ball Z Being Remastered
Looks like Dragon Ball is following the steps of Evangelion (which took a page out of George Lucas’ playbook), and is re-releasing their series to please long time fans, as well as to milk more money from an aging series.
Fan favorite, Dragon Ball Z will be remastered and re-aired in high-definition for this coming Spring’s [...]
PTR Patch 3.1.0 – The Flame Leviathan
I had a chance to test out one of the new Ulduar bosses on the Public Test Realm the other night. It was a full guild run, and the boss we were after was The Flame Leviathan. We were attempting the 10 man version of the fight, and the encounter was… interesting. You won’t be [...]

PTR Patch 3.1.0 – Equipment Manager
Another new feature to be released with Patch 3.1.0 is the ability to store equipment sets for your character. Pretty much Blizzard’s version of the popular mod, ItemRack, which I currently use today. The new feature is the Equipment Manager.
To enable this feature, you need to go into your Interface option menu. Select “Control”, and [...]
Mages Wanted
Or is it Magi? /shrug. I have been tagged by Megan again with another one of those meme/chain-mail/disease/curse thingies. This time the rules are:
Fill in the blanks,
On the road of _____, there is(are) _____ and _____.
_____ Wanted.
Or something along those lines. It was based off one of the old Volkswagen Slogans. So here is what [...]
Dual Spec Compared to Other Gold Sinks
Finally got enough gold saved up for when Patch 3.1.0 hits so I can purchase my Dual Spec. I will probably continue to save up gold just in case the cost is actually more than 1000g. I was making my daily rounds around Ironforge, going from AH to mailbox to Bank to etc, signing on [...]
New Upgrade: The Turning Tide
I haven’t done one of these posts in awhile since there wasn’t any gear worth mentioning, but this one deserves one. The current best in slot weapon for Mages (and a few other casters) is in my possession. Plus it looks pretty damn cool too!
[The Turning Tide] drops off of Kel’Thuzad, the final boss in [...]
The Only Reason to Rep with Frenzyheart
At a certain point in the game while you are questing in Sholazar Basin, you will have to make a choice between the Frenzyheart Tribe and The Oracles factions. Most players chose the Oracles due to the fact that you can obtain 4 pets and a flying mount with them, while the Frenzyheart Tribe only [...]

Is Dual Spec Worth 1000g?
If you have been on the Public Test Realm lately to test out Patch 3.1.0, or if you have been on the WoW>PTR Forums, then you will most likely have read a lot of player’s opinion about the whole Dual Spec feature.
Some players are looking forward to the new feature, some could care less, and [...]