Archive for February, 2009

PTR Patch 3.1.0 – New Features
You’re probably tired of reading about Patch 3.1.0 already, so this is for those of you who have no luck with PTR and want to see some of the new features.
Dual Spec
This new feature will allow players to pay a one-time fee (currently 1000g), to be able to have two different specs which they could [...]

PTR Patch 3.1.0 – New Mage Glyphs
More Mage changes were up on, this time some changes to existing Glyphs, as well as some new ones. Once again you can look at them here at
Glyph Changes:
Glyph of Ice Lance: Your Ice Lance now causes 4 times damage against frozen targets higher level than you instead of triple damage. (Old: Increases [...]
PTR Patch 3.1.0 – Frost Mage Replenishment
Instead of sleeping like I said I was going to do, I logged into my WoW account and copied my Mage over to the Public Test Realm (both PvP and PvE servers). Then opened up my PTR Client, logged in, and it started the download for the next PTR build. Weighing in at 733mb, it [...]

So Megs from Out of Mana has recently just tagged me for this blog tag thingy, and frankly, I’m a bit creeped out. Like some mysterious force is playing tricks on me. That or Megan is using her demonic powers to mess with my mind.
So the premise of this blogtag is to go into your [...]
Unlocking Characters in Street Fighter 4
I just got my copy of Street Fighter 4 earlier today and ended up playing the game all night. First thing I did was to unlock all the characters in the game. There are a total of nine unlockable characters, and there are a few requirements necessary to unlock them.
How to Unlock All Characters:
The [...]

Mage PvP Gear: Season 5
While I was on an honor farming spree last week to upgrade my PvP gear, I made frequent visits to various sites, and took note of which gear is out there that I could acquire. I took note of how much honor or emblems I needed to help plan out what my goal was to [...]

I See Mages Everywhere
Last time I wrote about how the [Underbelly Elixir] had the power to turn you into a Tuskarr Mage. This time I’ll talk about one of the other effects you can get. It has the ability to turn everyone you see into a Mage! Now you see why they call Dalaran, “The City of Mages”.
By [...]

Doing an Insane Amount of Honor Farming
After my failure of a Season 5 Arena debut last week, I made it a mission to replace all my level 70 PvP gear, and to make sure I’m prepared for next time. I had plenty of time during the day Saturday and Sunday to work with. I would farmed more honor if stuff like [...]

Season 5 Arena: WTF is up with my Rating!?
I’ve been doing PvE content for quite some time now ever since I hit level 80. With all end game raiding content cleared for awhile, I’ve been doing pretty much the same thing over the past couple weeks, and I figured it’s time to do something different. Maybe some Arena for a change?
I know I [...]

Patch 3.0.9 – Arcane Changes Again
The notes for Patch 3.0.9 has been released on, and this patch WILL go live this week!
The Arcane Tree has seen quite a few bit of changing in the last couple patches, and for this patch, we will only see changes to the Arcane Tree and Arcane Glyphs. No love (or hate) for the [...]

More Dragon Dancing
So I was running around Azeroth doing the boring Lunar Festival achievements where you have To Honor One’s Elders, and go to the point were I needed to start in Kalimdor. I decided to start at Gadgetzan, and took the portal there from Violet Citadel. My computer loads, and I mount up my character and [...]
How to Make the Lunar Festival More Exciting
Let’s be honest. The Lunar Festival World Event is pretty boring, and offers no fun rewards or prizes. The only reasons why anyone would go through all the tedious achievements is to get the Elder Title, which also works towards the “What A Long, Strange Trip It’s Been” Achievement (A / H), which rewards a [...]