Tag archive for ‘Patch 2.4’
I Has Frozen
Just my luck, I had to go home for family issues and Patch 2.4 has been released. The computer I have been using at home belongs to my younger sister and it tends to freeze. Not only that, everytime someone makes a phone call to the house line, the internet goes out for like five [...]
Enchants on Character Screen
Not a huge change, but a nice one. After I went through about five small PTR patches in order to play on the Tournament Test Realm (TTR), I noticed that my Soulfrost enchant graphics was now shown on the character select screen. It’s nice to see that Blizz is attempt to fix things no matter [...]
Trailer: Fury of the Sunwell
As you can see from my many posts on the next patch, I’m very excited for Patch 2.4 and can’t wait for it to come out. So many things to look foward to, so many new things to get. A trailer video that has been released for Patch 2.4 titled: Fury of the Sunwell, has got me [...]
Spicytuna in PTR: Day 4
After hearing the news about new Alchemy trinkets, I logged on to find out where I can learn to make it. I asked around for a few, then someone pointed me into the right direction. The Shattered Sun Quartermaster had been updated and the four new trinket recipes has been added to the Exaulted list. [...]

Spicytuna in PTR: Day 3
I ventured onto the PTR again to see if anything new came up. I rode around for awhile then decided to try out Magisters’ Terrace again so I could kill Kael’thas. Just my luck! I quickly found a group who needed dps and was on the last boss. Score! I zone and and head straight to [...]
Patch 2.4 – Overview
Here is an Overview of some of the stuff on PTR for Patch 2.4. I will update this post with new stuff as I get more information so you can just look to one place to find all you need for the upcoming patch. – updated 3/6/2008 The Official 2.4 Patch Notes has been updated to [...]

Spicytuna in PTR: Day 2
This was the day I logged on and noticed the new Improved Blink and Icy Veins. I set my new “Home Point” at the inn keeper at the Sunwell since there won’t be a need anymore to Hearth to Gadgetzan for Mt. Hyjal (person in Shattrath can now teleport you to Caverns of Time if you are in [...]
Spicytuna in PTR: Day 1
So I finally was able to copy my character over to PTR (they were down for awhile) and got a chance to get a look at the new area for myself. I copied my mage over to the PvE realm on the test server, then made a couple of new characters to save “Spicytuna“ from being [...]

New Improved Blink and New Icy Veins
Late post for tonight, but when I saw this, I HAD to post it. I just logged on to PTR and there was a new 2.4 build download. I checked the Talent Tree for my Mage and this is what I found. Under the Arcane Tree I saw a new Improve Blink, and under the Frost Tree [...]
2.4 Tier 6 Changes
Looks like they have gone and made some changes to the Mage 2.4 Tier 6 set. WorldofRaids.com has a list of all the changes to the other class set pieces as well. They completely took off all the Stamina from the set pieces to give us more Spell Hit Rating and Spell Critical Rating. Although the [...]
Patch 2.4 Update: Feb 20th
Blizzard has gone ahead and made some changes to the 2.4 Patch Notes. I’ve updated my post on the patch so you can read it in its entirety here: 2.4 Patch Notes. Some changes to the Mages section are: Mages Arcane Explosion: The damage cap for area of effect damage on this spell has been [...]
Patch 2.4 – Badge Vendor up on PTR
Taken from the good folks at WorldofRaids.com, please visit their site for more up to date information. Sunwell Badge Vendor up on the PTR Sunwell Badge vendor (Smith Hauthaa) just spawned on us pve. Check the list below (sorted by price + tooltip). All items are available for Badges of Justice.
Offical 2.4 Patch Notes
Here it is! The Official Patch Notes for 2.4 is out and can be found on Blizzard’s WoW website, but I will post it here also for those who are too lazy to search.
Additional 2.4 Patch Notes (unconfirmed)
This was taken from MMO-Champion.com … Additional of 2.4 Patch Notes (unofficial) “This could perfectly be a fake, seriously, if you didn’t read this before going through the changes you’ll probably make a hundred of puppies sad. Can’t say you weren’t warned now.”
2.4 Information Recap
*This information was taken from the good folks at WorldofRaids.com. Please visit HERE for more updated information.*