Tag archive for ‘M’uru’

Week 8/12 – Recap
World of Warcraft:
Big news for me, and I think it is worth mentioning again, M’uru / Entropius finally down! Working on Kil’jaeden now, and hopefully soon, I can say, “I beat the game!” again…
Video Games:
Final Fantasy IV: I reached the final dungeon and it has been kicking my butt. Looks like I reached it too [...]
M’uru: The Dark Naaru
M’uru is finally dead! After a little over two months of wiping over and over again, we finally got the Dark Naaru down. Even after the nerf to M’uru in the last patch, he still gave us all sorts of trouble, and was a pain in the butt to attempt.
M’uru is definitely a very difficult [...]
Blah! Entropius to 50%
Well now with the recent nerf to M’uru/Entropius encounter in Patch 2.4.3, we have seen Phase 2 of the fight a few times. And still, each and every time the fight goes into Phase 2, I am in awe of how stunning the encounter is, when the room lights up, with particle effects flying everywhere [...]
Week 7/15 – Recap
World of Warcraft:
Public Beta is out and no, I haven’t gotten my beta key yet. It is alright though, as much as I want to test out the new stuff, there are still a lot to accomplish in our current expansion. Still, it would be nice if I were to get one! WTB [Beta Key] [...]
M’uru: Close Encounters with the Third Kind
“M’uru was the sole naaru guardian of Tempest Keep. When the keep was invaded by Kael’thas and his blood elf followers, M’uru was captured and taken to Farstriders’ Square in Silvermoon City. Beginning with the implementation of the Burning Crusade, M’uru was found in Silvermoon City where his energy was being drained for use by [...]
Eredar Twins: Double your Pleasure
Double your fun. We finally managed to get the Eredar Twins down on Sunday night after three “official” attempts (one was because someone fell off the ledge and agro’d them by accident).
We killed them in “Reverse Order“, which yielded us one extra piece of epic loot, plus four sunmotes. w00t!
The strategy we used to kill [...]