Tag archive for ‘Macro’
Utada the Noble
During the weekend, the Noblegarden event started on Azeroth, and players all over the world have been spending hours just camping one spot.
Usually I enjoy the in-game world events, but camping egg spawn points for hours for the achievements were downright boring. Why would anyone go through this? For the “What a Long, Strange Trip [...]

Frost Mage PvE: Brutallus
Brutallus is a pit lord and the second boss of the Sunwell Plateau raid. He is a hard hitting melee oriented boss with blades for hands. You might have spotted him while doing one of the bombing daily quests on the Isle.
If Kalecgos served as the “Skill Check” for the Sunwell Plateau, then Brutallus serves [...]

Mage: Evocation Macro
A few people have seen me use Evocation during Battlegrounds after I am oom, or even in Ironforge after conjuring up some food for someone. They would ask:
“Why do you switch weapons for Evocation? They changed it from Spirit base to a % of your total mana!”.
I link them my Evoc weapons and most of the time [...]
New Upgrade: Skull of Gul’dan
June has been very kind to me, and my Mage has been receiving gear left and right. This time, it is the highly coveted trinket that drops off The Betrayer himself. The Skull which transformed Illidan Stormrage, upon absorbing its power, became half night elf and half demon, the all mighty and powerful: [The Skull of [...]
Macro… Prolo?
A Macro is a method of executing a string of commands in a press of a single button or keystroke. They can be used to help play efficiently or even for saving precious keybinding space on your action bar. Can be helpful for PvE encounters, or PvP matches.
Also they can be used for the lazy, [...]