Tag archive for ‘Loot’
PTR Patch 3.1.0 – The Flame Leviathan
I had a chance to test out one of the new Ulduar bosses on the Public Test Realm the other night. It was a full guild run, and the boss we were after was The Flame Leviathan. We were attempting the 10 man version of the fight, and the encounter was… interesting. You won’t be [...]
Replaced My First Piece of Gear!
So finally at level 77, and half way to 78, I’ve found something to replace one of my pieces of gear. Ever since I’ve stepped foot onto Northrend, I’ve been choosing Plate and 2 Handed Weapons as quest rewards since they vendor for more than Cloth gear rewards. This time, while doing a instance run [...]

New Upgrade: Leggings of Calamity
Finally some love for casters this week. Pretty much every piece of caster loot that we needed this week, dropped for us, and I happened to get one of them. The [Leggings of Calamity] dropped off of Brutallus, and I was able to snatch them up. For a hefty price of course. These were only [...]
New Upgrade: Amulet of Unfettered Magics
I got a new neck piece last night in the Sunwell Plateau raid. The neck piece that I replaced was the [The Sun King's Talisman] which is a quest reward which starts from turning in the [Verdant Sphere] which Kael’thas drops when you defeat him at Tempest Keep. That neck piece lasted me all of [...]
Tier 6 Complete!
Another great Tuesday raid. Had a few trouble with the trash mobs that are in the Sunwell Plateau, the raid went well. Took out the first four bosses in Sunwell again in one night. This time, we will have two full raid days of attempts on the Eredar Twins!
I also managed to get my last piece [...]
w00t! 7/8 Tier 6
After last weeks poor raid performance, we stepped it up for this week sucessfully, and took out the first three bosses of the Sunwell Plateau with little to no problems. Last week it took us a whole day of raiding just to kill one boss each, and on the third day of raiding, we failed [...]
Won Me a Chocobo Mount
Okay, not nearly as cute as this picture, but I won myself a sweet new mount. The [Swift White Hawkstrider]. This bird mount dropped off of Kael’thas Sunstrider in Heroic Magister’s Terrace for our group, and I won with the highest roll. w00t!
Its not as pretty as the mount you get from the Druid epic flight form quest, [...]
Hex on the Beach
He finally gave them to me! After about twenty or more kills on Hex Lord Malacrass, we have finally won the roll for our [Hex Shrunken Head]. w00t!
The fight is fairly simple. It reminds me of a beefed up version of the Moroes fight in Kara, with the adds and the CC’ing.
Hex Lord Malacrass will [...]
Loot Lag
“During normal looting, the player’s character would crouch down, during which the game client would request content of the loot from the game server. After the game client receives a response regarding the loot, it would show a loot window from which the player may loot some or all of the items. During high latency [...]