Tag archive for ‘Kil’jaeden’
Kil’jaeden: The Deceiver
Kil’jaeden down! And it only took one patch to make every class overpowered to do it too!
To tell you the truth, I REALLY wanted to get him down before the Echoes of Doom patch, but glad to have finally kill the Deceiver himself, Kil’jaeden… well… his avatar.
You see, you don’t actually KILL Kil’jaeden, you just [...]
What NOT to do during Sunwell Raids
So I missed the last 2 and a half weeks of raiding due to being out of town, and attending a couple of weddings, and now I’m back. Looks like I will be missing out on most of Brewfest, since there is only two days left for me to even having a chance at the [...]
Kil’jaeden: Dragon Orbs
As you may already know, I am currently on Kil’jaeden, who is the final boss in the Sunwell Plateau, and also the last boss in the Burning Crusade Expansion. With the Wrath of the Lich King looming just around the corner, I would like to see him dead before taking a break before the next [...]

Week 8/12 – Recap
World of Warcraft:
Big news for me, and I think it is worth mentioning again, M’uru / Entropius finally down! Working on Kil’jaeden now, and hopefully soon, I can say, “I beat the game!” again…
Video Games:
Final Fantasy IV: I reached the final dungeon and it has been kicking my butt. Looks like I reached it too [...]
Kil’jaeden: Final Boss of the Burning Crusade
Kil’jaeden the Deceiver, is the sixth and final boss of the Sunwell Plateau, and as well as the final boss of this expansion, The Burning Crusade. He is the Supreme Commander of the Burning Legion, and is also known as the creator of the Lich King.
The encounter is definitely a fun fight. The M’uru/Entropius fight [...]
M’uru: The Dark Naaru
M’uru is finally dead! After a little over two months of wiping over and over again, we finally got the Dark Naaru down. Even after the nerf to M’uru in the last patch, he still gave us all sorts of trouble, and was a pain in the butt to attempt.
M’uru is definitely a very difficult [...]
Week 5/13 – Recap
Well there seemed to be a lot of things going on this past week. Especially in the Warcraft business. It had been a long week for me, lots and lots of wiping in Sunwell Plateau, and no loot to go along with it.
The lack of sleep I have been getting doesn’t help either. Maybe this [...]