Tag archive for ‘Honor Points’

Mage PvP Gear: Season 5
While I was on an honor farming spree last week to upgrade my PvP gear, I made frequent visits to various sites, and took note of which gear is out there that I could acquire. I took note of how much honor or emblems I needed to help plan out what my goal was to [...]
Got Honor Points Refunded but… Shh!
Alright, so I farmed the 15300 honor to buy the [Guardian's Band of Subjugation] and ended up buying the wrong Ring. Then I put in a GM ticket, and later the next day, I got an in-game mail saying that they have taken away the [Vindicator's Band of Subjugation] and refunded 12000 Honor and 10 [...]
Bought the Wrong @#%! Ring!
As you may know, me and my 2v2 partner got over 1650 rating last week, but didn’t have enough Honor Points to purchase our Season 4 Rings. So we played it on the safe side and played 3v3 with one of our other friends for points this week, since we didn’t want to play our [...]