Tag archive for ‘Headless Horseman’
Early Birthday Gift
With my Birthday coming just around the corner (the 22nd), it looks like I’ve been given an early Birthday presents- and this was given to me by the Headless Horseman. Thanks Mr. Headless Horseman!
I finally got my [Sinister Squashling] pet to drop, and completed my “Hallowed Be Thy Name” achievement. Also with that achievement out [...]

Hallow’s End: Good Luck on the Mount!
I was lucky enough to grab mine last year, and [The Horseman's Reins] is still my all-time favorite mount. Good luck to you if you are going after it this Hallow’s End.
As for me, I am still missing one thing to get the required achievement from the Hallow’s End event. I still need my [Sinister [...]

Fun with the Headless Horseman Mount
Even though I have accumulated a lot of cool mounts, I still find myself using mainly one mount: The Headless Horseman Mount. It was the mount I won last year during the Halloween Event.
One main reason I use only this mount is that because it functions as ground mount as well as a flying mount. [...]

I Haz Headless Horseman Mount!
Continuing the good day I was having on my Birthday, I got a message from my partner in crime to do a couple runs at the Headless Horseman. I thought to myself, “she wants to steal another mount from me!”, but I didn’t mind, I still needed the Helm and Pet for the other achievement [...]

Tuna and Hallow’s End
Hallow’s End time again, and the Headless Horseman is back! Like Coren Direbrew during Brewfest, you have the opportunity to the Headless Horseman everyday until Novemeber 1st. The notable loot many players will be aiming for is the new sword which summons pumpkins to fight for you, or a broom mount.
I just got my broom [...]