Tag archive for ‘Fingers of Frost’

PTR Patch 3.3 – Fingers of Frost Change
“Does the change to the way Finger of Frost is consumed in the next Patch 3.3, does that mean no more ghost charges and shatter combos for us Frost Mages?”
The quick answer to that is: Nope, you will still have your “ghost charges” and “shatter combos”. Don’t worry. The way Blizzard worded the change to [...]

WotLK Beta Testing: Fingers of Frost
Now that I am in the WotLK Beta, I can test out all the new spells and their mechanics for all to see. So far I’ve only got an hour of testing in before fatigue kicked in, and servers are down. I will make a post for each individual spell, and update each post as [...]