Tag archive for ‘Arena’

Arcane Mage PvP: Never Give Up
Here is a video from Round 4 of the second Best of Five Grandfinals match between SK Gaming Asia and HON. Yea I don’t know what means either, I’m just quoting what I read from the description. All I know is that this is a match between two well known Arena teams, and Mages were [...]

Mage PvP Gear: Season 5
While I was on an honor farming spree last week to upgrade my PvP gear, I made frequent visits to various sites, and took note of which gear is out there that I could acquire. I took note of how much honor or emblems I needed to help plan out what my goal was to [...]

Doing an Insane Amount of Honor Farming
After my failure of a Season 5 Arena debut last week, I made it a mission to replace all my level 70 PvP gear, and to make sure I’m prepared for next time. I had plenty of time during the day Saturday and Sunday to work with. I would farmed more honor if stuff like [...]

Season 5 Arena: WTF is up with my Rating!?
I’ve been doing PvE content for quite some time now ever since I hit level 80. With all end game raiding content cleared for awhile, I’ve been doing pretty much the same thing over the past couple weeks, and I figured it’s time to do something different. Maybe some Arena for a change?
I know I [...]
My Arena Gear Setup
My Arena Gear setup is somewhat different from what most Arena experts would expect. Instead of stacking Stamina and Resilience like a good little Mage, I opted for more quick and destructive approach. So far it has proven to work in 2v2 and 3v3 quite nicely.
At a quick glance, you would see I have Season [...]

Arena Woes
Finally, I was able to get back to Arena. For the past 3 weeks, either me or my partner were unable to be on at the same time to get our 10+ games in for points. So after weeks of packing, moving, going on trips, power outages, internet difficulties, and sickness, we are back! But [...]
Hpwnwork Assignment #1 – Team B
Continuing our assignment, we now look at the other team, Team B. Team A’s setup and strategy can be read HERE.
Here is another look at the assignment:
Part One:
“For each class involved, pick a spec for them that you think works for the particular makeups.”
Time to work on the bottom team! Here is a look at [...]
Hpwnwork Assignment #1 – Team A
Megan from Out of Mana posted an Arena Assignment for the readers to come up with a spec for all the players, and pretty much explain what each player will be doing given the team makeup and opponent. She gave the assignment a week and a half ago, and just like I would in real [...]
More Arena in Week Two
Now that I had enough games for Geldin for the week, time to get Utada some Arena points. Right now she is only in a 2v2 team. Her partner, as you may already know, is a Warlock, and we did a lot better this week. Last week we went 25-25 and ended with a rating [...]
Week 2 of Season 4
I played 10 games the first week on Geldin, in a PMR 3v3 setup. Doomilias was the Rogue, and our friend Carl was playing his Priest. We went 5-5 and ended up with 1505 rating. We blamed competitive nature of the first week of the season, and the fact that last season’s high rating teams [...]
The Power of PMR
One of the top rated 3v3 team setup in Arena is Priest/Mage/Rogue (PMR). PMR is known for its excellent burst damage, great survivability, and superior crowd control. It is a force to be reckon with. An offense oriented team, PMR applies a lot of pressure, and forces the other team to be stuck on the defensive until they crumble.
Talent [...]
First week of Season 4
So I tried to start PvPing again, and remembered how frustrating it was starting off. There is still a good deal of competition in the 1500 ratings. I myself am still very rusty. My reaction time and decision making during fights have been pretty bad. Missing my Counterspells, attacking wrong target, not keeping a target [...]