Tag archive for ‘Achievements’

85 Down, 15 More to Go!
I’ve been collecting mounts for awhile now, trying to get 100 for the [Blue Dragonhawk Mount] you get from the Mountain o’ Mounts Achievement. The one thing keeping me from this achievement was gold- I was always terribad with my gold.
Whenever I had a good amount of gold, I would blow it all on non-combat [...]
Early Birthday Gift
With my Birthday coming just around the corner (the 22nd), it looks like I’ve been given an early Birthday presents- and this was given to me by the Headless Horseman. Thanks Mr. Headless Horseman!
I finally got my [Sinister Squashling] pet to drop, and completed my “Hallowed Be Thy Name” achievement. Also with that achievement out [...]

Honored With Bloodsail Buccaneers
First roadblock on my road to the Insane in the Membrane Achievement is now complete. I am now Honored with the Bloodsail Buccaneers. My advice for you if you are doing this: Bring a Friend.
Step 1: Check “At War”
Go into your Reputation tab, and look for the Steamwheedle Cartel. Go to each Goblin faction and [...]
Insane in the Membrane
I decided to walk down a long, expensive, and painful path. The path where at the end of the journey, I will be labeled as “Insane”. That is IF I manage to make it to the end. I’m going for one of the feats of strength, Insane in the Membrane.
Image from Blizzard’s Fanart Section
I already [...]

Achievements Are More Fun With a Partner
My name is Tuna, and I am an Achievement-aholic. Chances are, if you are reading this blog, the evil Achievement system also has a hold of you. You want to do them. You don’t know why. You see a list, you want to start scratching stuff off of it. You see an objective, you want [...]
Why I Hate Children’s Week
Normally I look forward to this in-game event. Every year for Children’s Week usually meant a new pet I can get. Before this year’s event, I already had all three of the Vanilla WoW Children’s Week pets, and two of the three Burning Crusade ones.
This year I even got the third and last pet, and [...]

Winter Veil Kiss Trick
Winter Veil has begun in the World of Warcraft, and this opens up an opportunity to unlock more achievements. Over at /hug there is an excellent guide to all the achievements of Winter Veil. Be sure to check that out if you need a point in the right direction on where to start.
Now there are [...]

Tuna Takes Over as the New “Crazy Cat Lady”
There is a cooking recipe which makes [Critter Bites], which allows you to have any critter you come across become your minion for 3 minutes. While as your minion, they act as any normal non-combat pet, and will follow you around. The best thing is, that you can have as many out as you can.
To [...]

Obtained 50 Pets and Killed a Death Knight
I got my achievement for obtaining 50 different non-combat pets the other day. This wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought, and now that these pets no longer take up my precious bag space, I went and hunted some down.
First off, WarcraftPets will be your bible for this achievement. It is an excellent resource for [...]

A Few Goals Completed Before Wrath
I sure did accomplish a lot of stuff that I’ve put off when I realized Wrath of the Lich King was being released today. While everyone was out stockpiling mats for their professions, and doing dailies to save up gold the day before, I am finishing up some of the few goals I have set [...]
Mage Tricks for Achievements
It has almost been a month since The Echoes of Doom patch was released, and the Achievement system with it. Since the release, everyone and their mothers have been running around doing ridiculous chores in order to unlock these Achievements. Including myself.
Now there a few achievements out there which take a massive amount of time [...]
Achievements are Evil
Achievements make you play a lot more than you would normally. They make you do ridiculous things, just so that it says you did it, on a list. They make you waste an enormous amount of time you could have spent being productive elsewhere. Achievements are evil, and it was a smart move on Blizzard’s [...]
Week 6/3 – Recap
World of Warcraft:
If you haven’t heard yet, [Sunfire Handwraps], [Shoulderpads of Knowledge's Pursuit], and [The Skull of Gul'dan] are mine!
Season 4 of Arena has been announced to start on June 24th. Hope you have your Arena Points and Honor Points all saved up!
Looks like there has been images going around that Blizzard is going to add [...]