Tag archive for ‘Achievement’

Hallow’s End: Good Luck on the Mount!
I was lucky enough to grab mine last year, and [The Horseman's Reins] is still my all-time favorite mount. Good luck to you if you are going after it this Hallow’s End.
As for me, I am still missing one thing to get the required achievement from the Hallow’s End event. I still need my [Sinister [...]
Higher Learning Achievement Guide
You may have noticed players standing around certain locations in Dalaran, or Guildies always /afk in certain spots every other day. You may even notice players spamming trade chat with a location of a book you have no idea what they’re talking about, and when you go to that location, you see nothing. That is [...]

For the Alliance!
It was around 8 in the morning for me, which is around 5am for the server I play on. A guildie asks in guild chat that he was looking for a few more players to raid the Horde Captials. I was only level 74 at the time, but sure what the heck. I joined the [...]