The Burning Crusade
Wrath Event Gives us a Taste…(1)
A taste of the server lag we should be expecting when we all march on over to Northrend that is, and it does not look too good for us. The event was cool and everything, but the lag was awful. And this was with about 40-50 players at the event. For those who are not [...]
Mage Tricks for Achievements
It has almost been a month since The Echoes of Doom patch was released, and the Achievement system with it. Since the release, everyone and their mothers have been running around doing ridiculous chores in order to unlock these Achievements. Including myself. Now there a few achievements out there which take a massive amount of [...]

Patch 3.0.3 – Buffs, Nerfs, and Fixes
The latest patch was released yesterday during Tuesday’s regular weekly maintenance. Though the patch will only be remembered for being the Nerf Hammer for Retribution Paladins, there were a few changes that will affect Mages as well. You can check out the full patch notes for the latest patch HERE. As for Mage changes, let’s [...]

Tuna and Hallow’s End
Hallow’s End time again, and the Headless Horseman is back! Like Coren Direbrew during Brewfest, you have the opportunity to the Headless Horseman everyday until Novemeber 1st. The notable loot many players will be aiming for is the new sword which summons pumpkins to fight for you, or a broom mount. I just got my [...]
More in this category:
- Kil’jaeden: The Deceiver
- Echoes of Doom: The Aftermath
- What NOT to do during Sunwell Raids
- Kil’jaeden: Dragon Orbs
- Kil’jaeden: Final Boss of the Burning Crusade
- Felmyst: DDR Fever
- Brutallus: DPS Race
- Kalecgos: Decursing Extravaganza
- While I was Out…
- Sunwell Progression Tracker
- Trailer: Fury of the Sunwell
- Hex on the Beach
- Dwarf Mage!?
- AC Downs Fathom-Lord
- Spicytuna in PTR: Day 4
- Honor Kills
- Spicytuna in PTR: Day 3
- Patch 2.4 – Overview
- Spicytuna in PTR: Day 2
- Spicytuna in PTR: Day 1
- New Improved Blink and New Icy Veins
- 2.4 Tier 6 Changes
- Patch 2.4 Update: Feb 20th
- Patch 2.4 – Badge Vendor up on PTR
- 2.4 Tier 6 Gear
- 2.4 Information Recap