Archive for 2009
A Random Dungeon Finder Solution
There is no denying it, The Dungeon Finder tool has been a great way to find people to run dungeons with. It is a great way to farm [Emblem of Triumph] and get geared in a relatively short period of time. Great for making gold too! Perfect for casual players, and players still leveling up.
For [...]

Frost Mage PvE: Lord Marrowgar
“Lord Marrogar is a unique creature created of skeletons. He is the first boss in the Icecrown Citadel.”
He has one of the coolest boss character models- he is a 4-headed winged skeleton torso, with a big ice ax! As the first boss of Icecrown Citadel, he’ll serve as a gear check for Guilds to see [...]

85 Down, 15 More to Go!
I’ve been collecting mounts for awhile now, trying to get 100 for the [Blue Dragonhawk Mount] you get from the Mountain o’ Mounts Achievement. The one thing keeping me from this achievement was gold- I was always terribad with my gold.
Whenever I had a good amount of gold, I would blow it all on non-combat [...]
Gnomer Sites Prison Sentence and Makes Me Laugh
I had to take a trip back home last weekend for my mother’s and my sister’s birthday, so it was going to be an hour and a half train ride home. I packed a few clothes and downloaded the newest episode of the Twisted Nether Blogcast.
Bought my ticket, got on the train, found a seat, [...]

Couple Things I’ve Learned From Using the Dungeon Finder
With the new revamped Looking for Group tool that came out with Patch 3.3, Blizzard has made it exponentially easier to find other players to run dungeons with- mainly because you can now group up with players across different servers. Blizzard is even rewarding players with 2 x [Emblem of Frost] by running a random [...]

Guide to Frost PvE: Glyphs
With the release of the latest Patch 3.3 – Fall of the Lich King, many Mages are going the trying out the new changes to Frost PvE. Permanent Water Elemental and using Deep Freeze on bosses were reason enough to give Frost a shot again in a raiding environment. Is it enough to hang with [...]

Guide to Frost PvE: Talents
With the release of the latest Patch 3.3 – Fall of the Lich King, many Mages are going the trying out the new changes to Frost PvE. Permanent Water Elemental and using Deep Freeze on bosses were reason enough to give Frost a shot again in a raiding environment. Is it enough to hang with [...]

The Tuna Resurrection
As I’ve said before, I had been occupied recently, and my time on Azeroth had diminished to practically nothing. I haven’t raided or pvp’d for over a month, and had only signed on to do a couple achievements for the new Pilgrim’s Bounty holiday.
As an achievement-aholic, I would have normally jumped on this holiday to [...]

PTR Patch 3.3 – Fingers of Frost Change
“Does the change to the way Finger of Frost is consumed in the next Patch 3.3, does that mean no more ghost charges and shatter combos for us Frost Mages?”
The quick answer to that is: Nope, you will still have your “ghost charges” and “shatter combos”. Don’t worry. The way Blizzard worded the change to [...]

Two Reasons for the Lack of Posts Lately…
Borderlands and Dragon Age: Origins. These two games had totally sucked out any free time I’ve had for pretty much this entire month. It has been awhile since there has been any reason for me to completely ignore the World of Warcraft. I’ve pretty much been cheating on my Mage from Azeroth, with my new [...]

PTR Patch 3.3 Testing: Glyph of Eternal Water
One of the biggest change for all Frost Mages from the upcoming Patch 3.3, is the addition of a Glyph which will make our Water Elemental become a permanent pet. That is the Glyph of Eternal Water.
Art by: John Avon
I’ve been very interested in this Glyph ever since it was announced, but never got a [...]

PTR Patch 3.3 Testing: 20k Deep Freezes
Copied my Mage over to the Public Test Realm, and also copied some pre-made Mages over as well. Holy Crap! 20,000 damage Deep Freezes! That is only self buffed too! If you just add another 13% Damage increase from only Curse of Elements, you’re looking at 22.6k Deep Freeze!
The character I used was the pre-made [...]

PTR Patch 3.3 – Deep Freeze on Bosses
The PTR Patch Notes have been updated once again on the WoW website with a few new changes to the upcoming patches. You can view the the full patch notes here. The only reason you are here reading however, is because of the new change to Deep Freeze.
The new change to Deep Freeze is:
Deep Freeze: [...]
Early Birthday Gift
With my Birthday coming just around the corner (the 22nd), it looks like I’ve been given an early Birthday presents- and this was given to me by the Headless Horseman. Thanks Mr. Headless Horseman!
I finally got my [Sinister Squashling] pet to drop, and completed my “Hallowed Be Thy Name” achievement. Also with that achievement out [...]

Hallow’s End: Good Luck on the Mount!
I was lucky enough to grab mine last year, and [The Horseman's Reins] is still my all-time favorite mount. Good luck to you if you are going after it this Hallow’s End.
As for me, I am still missing one thing to get the required achievement from the Hallow’s End event. I still need my [Sinister [...]

PTR Patch 3.3 – Permanent Water Elemental
In the latest Build (10571) on the Public Test Realms, Blizzard made a few changes to the Mage class- all good ones. It looks like they have the Fire and Arcane tree right where they want them in terms of PvE DPS, and are working towards making the Frost tree more viable. Once again, you [...]

Ugly Sword to go with My Ugly Tunic
I got myself a new weapon for my Mage, which dropped off the new Onyxia raid. It is a very plain looking (but amazing) sword, the [Polished Azuresong Mageblade], and this thing is a beast of a sword.
The original [Azuresong Mageblade] (which I also had at one point) dropped off of Golemagg from Molten Core. [...]

Mage Tier 8 Is Really Ugly
Why oh why did Blizzard decide to mess with the Mage outfits? A Tunic!? Seriously!? Rarely do I get a piece of gear, and refuse to use it because of the way it looks, but this sure did. I’m talking about the [Conqueror's Kirin Tor Tunic].
I got my Tunic maybe two weeks ago with 58 [...]
Pirates and Beer!
Everybody loves pirates! And everybody likes beer too! What can be better than having the two holidays back to back? Hmm… maybe Blizzard will add Ninja Day after Brewfest is over! Then everyone will be happy!
Pirate’s Day
Pirate’s Day was only a one day holiday, that took place on September 19th. There was only one achievement [...]

Honored With Bloodsail Buccaneers
First roadblock on my road to the Insane in the Membrane Achievement is now complete. I am now Honored with the Bloodsail Buccaneers. My advice for you if you are doing this: Bring a Friend.
Step 1: Check “At War”
Go into your Reputation tab, and look for the Steamwheedle Cartel. Go to each Goblin faction and [...]